Friday, August 29, 2014


August 29, 2014

Happy Friday!
We have almost made it through our first week of fourth grade! Way to go, students and teachers! This week we have worked on Hopes & Dreams, Essential Agreements, Buddy Classes, Read-to-Self, and many more things. Setting up our classroom communities is a super way to help us all be successful this year.

Monday is Labor Day, which is a national holiday. What do you know about Labor Day? Why do we celebrate it? Why do we have the day off of school? Take action this weekend, and try to learn more about why our country honors Labor Day. Bring any information you learn to school on Tuesday.

Be good. Be nice. Behave.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Buddy Class

August 28, 2014

Hello Thinkers,
Has your class talked about taking breaks or buddy classes yet? There are times when we all just need a break. Sometimes that break can be a quick and easy way for us to get in control. Sometimes though, we need a little more. Each of our fourth grade classes has a buddy class. This is a safe place where we can take longer breaks away from our classroom communities. This morning Mr. Frischmann's and Mrs. Applequist's classes are going to practice taking breaks with their buddy classes.

Enjoy today. Try to make at least three people smile!!

Be good. Be nice. Behave!

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Bushy Brains

August 27, 2014

Happy Wednesday!
Mrs. Brown's class learned all about our brains yesterday. Did you know the bushier your brain is, the better? We will talk a lot about our bushy brains this year and how to make them bushier! If you see our PYP coordinator, Mrs. Gerber, be sure to ask her about bushy brains.

Many classes are beginning to work on their essential agreements. Have you ever noticed that the agreements your classes come up with every year are very similar to the ones the year before? I wonder why so many essential agreements stay the same (or are very similar).

Enjoy today. It's the last Wednesday of this week. 

Be good. Be nice. Behave. 

Monday, August 25, 2014

"Good Fit" Books

August 26, 2014

Yesterday Mrs. Applequist's class talked about "good fit" books. Your class might have too! They are so important to each of us and are necessary to help us become better readers. "Good fit" books are not too easy and not too challenging. That's why they are called "good fit." When you go to the library this week, make sure to check out a "good fit" book from Mrs. Brimacomb.

Has your class met Mr. Fugazzi or Ms. Anderson yet? Today think about what attitudes a good leader must have. Think of a good question you can ask our new leaders. I am certain, if you ask them a question, they will answer! (PYP Action!!)

Be good. Be nice. Behave! 

Sunday, August 24, 2014


August 25, 2014

Greetings 4th graders,
We are so excited for this new school year! Many adventures and learning opportunities are waiting for you all. The fourth grade teachers are committed to helping you grow this year. You each will become better readers, mathematicians, and inquirers!

This year you will get to know all of the fourth grade teachers very well. We are each very different, but we all have extremely high expectations for you.

Mr. Frischman ~ Room 240 
Mrs. Applequist ~ Room 239
Mrs. Brown ~ Room 238
Mrs. Larson ~ Room 237
Mrs. Laliberte ~ Room 236
Mrs. McAlpine ~ Room 230

This week we will work on Essential Agreements and Hopes & Dreams in our classes. Toward the end of the week we will all come together to share these. 

Think about a choice you can make today to make it a great day!

Be good. Be nice. Behave!