Thursday, June 9, 2016


June 9, j2016

Well 3rd graders,
We've done it! We have successfully completed a year together. We have seen so much academic progress and grit. We've shared many laughs and a few tears. One thing we learned for sure, "We all do better, when we all do better!"

We know you can work hard. We know you can play hard. This summer take all that goodness and help change the world! Take action in your community... Use your good for good!

A Letter From Future Kid President

Image result for inspirational quotes for kids

Have a super summer, almost 4th graders!!

Be good. Be nice. Behave!

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Last Book Talk Tuesday

June 7, 2016

Good Morning Third Graders! This is our last Book Talk Tuesday.  The book featured today is called Oh, the Places You'll Go! by Dr. Seuss. 

All of you are moving to fourth grade! Think about all the knowledge you have gained in third grade. Continue to grow as learners and do your very best next year.  This book has a great message about determination and that anything is possible if you put your mind to it. Believe in yourself! Work hard and don't give up trying. 

Front Cover
Enjoy the book! 

Be principled. Be caring. Have integrity. 
(Be good. Be nice. Behave.)

Monday, June 6, 2016

Last Monday!

June 6, 2016

Hello 3rd Graders!
It is a bright and sunny morning, but there may be storms rolling in... The weather today is kind of symbolic of this school year! We have had lots of bright shining moments with a few bumps in the road. Reflect on the highs and lows this year. How did we grow? It is so exciting to see the progress we all have made.

Today, make strong choices. Choose to be your best self. Choose to set yourself up for a great day. Choose to make a difference... even if it's a small difference just for you! You are worth it!

Image result for happiness quotes for kids

Be good. Be nice. Behave. 

Friday, June 3, 2016

Kick Ball

June 4, 2016

Hello Kickers!
This morning we will head over to Vet's Field to celebrate our hard work. We will have six teams playing three games of kickball. When your team is in the field, pay attention to where the ball is! Who is getting ready to kick... where do you predict the ball will go? What will your plan be when they kick the ball?

When your team is kicking... cheer for the kicker! Cheer your team on! This is all for fun and good spirit!

One last thing, when we're walking to and from Vet's, be thinkers! stay on the side walks and out of people's yards. Let's keep the Packer community strong!

Image result for kickball

Be good. Be nice. Behave.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Friday Funday

June 2, 2016

Good afternoon 3rd graders!
We have been working so diligently finishing up projects, learning more information, designing polygon worlds, and cleaning! We are proud of your efforts to work hard all the way until the end of the year!

To show our appreciation, the 3rd grade teachers have planned a fun Friday morning for you! There are actually two plans depending on Mother Nature...

1) A kick-ball tournament at Vet's Field!!! This is not a championship sort of tournament... more like a 6 class kick-ball extravaganza!

2) Classroom choices of movies, games, crafts... similar to past Commitment Card celebrations.

Either way, each class will be decked out in class colors!
Applequist ~ maroon 
Costain ~ white
Croonquist ~ green
Gerken ~ blue
Krone ~ black
Thompson ~ red

Be ready to show our 3rd grade spirit! We are so proud of you!

Be good. Be nice. Behave!

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Happy June!!

June 1, 2016

Did you know a jiffy is an actual unit of measurement? It measures 1/1,000 of a second! That's pretty fast! It sometimes feels like this year has gone by in a jiffy! Why do you think it sometimes feels like time is going fast or slow?

Here is a Wonderopolis article that explains it... maybe if you have extra time on a Chrome Book or in the computer lab, you can check it out! (come to the blog for the link)

Why Does Time Fly When You're Having Fun?

Image result for time flies when you're having fun

Be good. Be nice. Behave. 

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Book Talk Tuesday

May 31, 2016

Good morning readers!
Today's BTT comes to you from Bella Maurer in Mrs. Applequist's class.

The main characters in GUINEA DOG are Rufus, Mom, Dad, Murphy, Dmitri, and Lurena. Rufus has a problem! He wants a dog, but his mom says, NO! Bella's real life connection is that her mom won't let her have  pet (c'mon, Mrs. Derryberry!!!!). She really liked this book because she likes guinea pigs and thinks you will like it if you like funny books.

GUINEA DOG was nominated for last year's Maud Hart Lovelace award. It won 3rd place!

Image result for guinea dog

Be good. Be nice. Behave. 

Friday, May 27, 2016

Memorial Day Weekend

May 27, 2016

Good morning Lincoln Center Citizens,
We do not have school on Monday in honor of Memorial Day. This is a federal holiday that truly honors all of our loved ones that we have lost. It started as a holiday to celebrate men and women in the armed forces that lost their lives in battle. Nowadays, many families spend the day remembering all loved ones that were lost.

Image result for memorial day

Reading Rainbow ~ Memorial Day

What will you do over the long weekend? Take time to show appreciation to those around you.

Be good. Be nice. Behave.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Ancient Rome

May 26, 2016

Here ye, here ye!
Did you know that children in ancient Rome played hopscotch, hide-and-seek, and leap frog? Why do you think children way back then played these simple but fun games? Think! If you didn't have any materials, what kind of game could you make up?

So many children today spend WAY too much time on electronics. Here is a challenge! Can you go on an 'Electronics Diet?' Keep track of the time you spend on a phone/tablet/computer each day for the next couple days. Can you use your device less and less each day? I'm going to be honest, I think it will be difficult for me to put my phone away more! But, I'm going to try it! Let's all do it and compare next week... I even wonder if anyone can give up electronics completely for a day or two!!!

Image result for technology diet

A few ideas to keep you busy! 
*Go outside
*Talk to friends
*Write a story
*Play a game/cards
*Do your homework

Be good. Be nice. Behave. 

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Listen Up!

May 25, 2016

Good morning communicators,
Did you know the smallest bone in the human body is in the ear? We use our ears to hear a lot of different things. We need to listen when people are talking, when cars are coming, when a teacher blows the whistle outside. When else is it super important to listen?

Some people have special tools to help them hear better. There is even a language used for people who can't hear at all. How many of you know any sign language? Sign language is a cool way for people to communicate with their hands and body language.

Helen Keller is a famous American who learned how to communicate with others after years of not being able to. She had an incredible teacher who was patient, firm, and fair with her. Watch this Brain Pop to learn more!

Helen Keller

Image result for helen keller  Image result for helen keller quotes

Be good. Be nice. Behave.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Book Talk Tuesday

May 24, 2016

Hello readers,
I am excited to share a new book with you! Scarlett (from my class) and I both read CRENSHAW which is Katherine Applegate's newest book. If that name sounds familiar, it is because she also wrote THE ONE AND ONLY IVAN and the ANIMORPH series.

Scarlett worked really hard on this BTT!

The main characters are Jackson and Crenshaw. Jackson's family is very important too! Jackson has a serious problem because his family needs food and money. They barely have enough to survive. Crenshaw is Jackson's imaginary cat friend and is always there when Jackson needs help with a problem. Scarlett's connection is that she watches a show with a girl that has an imaginary friend. She thinks you would like this book if you have ever had an imaginary friend. I think you would like this book if you can empathize with a family going through really hard real life problems. It really reminds us all to be a little more gentle with each other because we really do not always know what is going on with people's families.

Image result for crenshaw book

Be good. Be nice. Behave!