Friday, December 19, 2014

Happy Friday

December 19, 2014

Good morning balanced students,
It has been a busy week of innovations, engineering, and thinking. We've had visitors, assemblies, and even assessments. Phew! You've been working hard! 

Today is a day to focus on balance. We really have to be mindful that we are at school, we are students, and we are principled. Yes, it is the last day of school before a very long break, but remember we still are at school today. Be in the moment! 

Over break don't forget to read a little, math a little, rest a little, and play a lot! 

Be kids. Be safe. Be smart.
Be good. Be nice. Behave.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Science Museum Visit

December 18, 2014

Good Morning,

Today we have a special visit from the Science Museum at 10:30.  Please remember that we all represent LC, so be respectful listeners.  Follow our Essential Agreements.

Think about when you are designing something.  What steps do you need to take? What do you need to do first?  In class you are making paper tables.  How did your group make decisions? How did you work together?  Think about the design process when creating something.

Look at this are steps Engineers take when designing something.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Wind Energy

December 17, 2014

G'Day Mates,
We've all been thinking a lot about technology and energy. The Central Idea of our Unit of Inquiry is ENERGY COMES IN MANY FORMS AND CAN BE TRANSFORMED TO SOLVE PROBLEMS. What does this mean in our everyday lives?

This afternoon we have a guest from TRADEWINDS that will talk to us about WIND ENERGY. With your class, talk about what you think you already know about wind energy. Also, generate a list of THOUGHTFUL questions you could ask our speaker.

Thoughtful questions will give you more information; they will teach you more; they will make you more knowledgeable.

Trivia questions will give you quick facts that may or may not teach you something.


Be good. Be nice. Behave. 

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Happy Hanukkah!

December 16, 2014

Good morning open minded friends,

Tonight at sundown, Hanukkah begins. Hanukkah is the Celebration of Lights that Jewish people celebrate every year. For eight days they remember when their ancestors fought for freedom. They escaped slavery and had very little oil to light their lamps. Miraculously, the oil lit their lamps for eight nights until they reached their safety.

Each day of Hanukkah, families light an additional candle on the menorah. By the eighth day, they will have eight lit candles! (the ninth  candle is used to light the others)

What traditions does your family do for the holidays?

Be good. Be nice. Behave!

Monday, December 15, 2014


December 15, 2014

Good morning thinkers,
It is a dreary Monday morning. The weather outside is frightful, but not in the way the holiday song boasts. It's a little chilly, a little wet, and a lot gray. What do you do to pick yourself up on a dreary day?

This week is very busy in fourth grade at Lincoln Center. Mrs. G will visit all of our classrooms, the Science Museum will come visit us for an assembly on Thursday, and we have a post-WIN-switch test. Be ready to work hard so we can play hard.

Be good. Be nice. Behave!

Friday, December 12, 2014


December 12, 2014

Good morning empathetic 4th graders,

We have been together for three months now working hard with reading, math, and our units of inquiry. It is important to remember all of the things that make us good people too. When we have some of the PYP ATTITUDES we can live the PROFILE.

The other day we watched a story about a little boy who had a lot of empathy for his elderly friend. Today we have a beautiful display of compassion and empathy to share with you. Last year a Minnesotan family lost their son to cancer. People joined together at the Mall of America to sing a song Zach Sobiach wrote before he died. Last night to mark the anniversary, people came together once again at the MOA to sing.

Here are some of our LC friends joining the Clouds Choir last night!

This is a clip of the Clouds Choir singing Zach's song last year. 

Be good. Be nice. Behave. 

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Static Electricity

December 11, 2014

Hello thinkers,

Zap! Ouch! Has that happened to you when you touch a door handle, something metal or even another person? Why do you get a little shock? What happened? Its called Static Electricity.  What causes Static Electricity? What other things cause Static Electricity? Does the weather have something to do with Static Electricity? Be inquirers and find the answers, then discuss with your class.

Look at this puppy....he is having a  bad hair day.....or is it Static Electricity?

Be good. Be nice. Behave.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Electricity Everywhere!

December 10, 2014

Good Morning Fourth Graders,

Our current inquiry unit is Innovations.  The central idea is Energy comes in many forms and can be transformed to solve problems. In your classes you have been learning about Electricity and Magnetism. Think about how you use Electricity in your every day life. Can you imagine what life would be like without electricity? Discuss with your class and watch the Brain POP video about Electricity.

Brain POP- Electricity

Be good. Be nice. Behave.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Life Stories

December 5, 2014

Many classes have worked on personal narratives this year. We wrote special pieces about artifacts that are important to our families, and some of us are writing about specific events that happened in our lives. Personal narratives are pieces that tell a story about a specific incident in someone's life. Memories are really great to write about. 

Here is a sweet story about a woman who loses her memory and an empathetic little boy. 

Wilfrid Gordon McDonald Partridge      

Of the memories the woman found, which would like to hear a story (narrative) about? 

 If you haven't written a personal narrative yet, think about a memory you would like to write about.

Be good. Be nice. Behave.