Monday, December 1, 2014

Happy December!

December 1, 2014

Welcome back to school!
Long weekends are a time to rest, relax, and refresh. Hopefully you had a lot of fun this weekend but also had moments of peace. We have a busy three weeks ahead of us. Let's work hard so we can play hard!

This morning we woke up to a brisk reminder of what it is like to live in Minnesota. A fan favorite last year was the movie FROZEN. I heard, "Let It Go" on the radio this morning and was struck by a lyric. "The cold never bothered me anyway." Take a poll in your class. How many of you are not bothered by the cold? The answer choices are: Yes, I am bothered by the cold. OR The cold never bothered me anyway. I will share results tomorrow.

Be good. Be nice. Behave.


  1. Mrs.Laliberte class. 13 said the cold bothers them 11 said the cold never bothered me anyway.

    1. Thank you, Mrs. Laliberte's class! You are the first class EVER to leave a comment on our blog!!! Way to go!!!
