Monday, September 29, 2014

It's all Fun and Games!

September 30, 2014

Hello game creators,

You are all working vigorously creating board games for a specific targeted audience.  What is your favorite board game? What makes a board game fun? Share with your class and post some responses.

Did you know that according to, some of the best selling board games are: Connect 4, Trouble, Sorry, and Candy Land. Have you played these games before?

Connect 4 Game  Frozen Olaf's in Trouble Game  Sorry! 2013 Edition Game  Candy Land - The Kingdom of Sweets Bo...
Why do some games change their theme? For example, look at the game trouble above.  It is the Disney movie Frozen theme.  Why do games change? What advertising technique is used?

Have a good day!

Be good. Be nice. Behave.


September 29, 2014

Good Morning,

Today is Picture Day! You all need to have your best smile.  Did you know that a smile is viewed across cultures as a sign of friendliness, especially when greeting someone.  Plus, some believe that it takes more muscles to smile than frown.  Interesting...something to think about and look into. 

Image result for happy face

Also, The Chip Shoppe Fundraiser is due today.  The products will be delivered on November 19th from 3:00-6:00 p.m. 

Have a great day!

Be nice. Be good. Behave.

Friday, September 26, 2014


September 26, 2014

Happy Friday!
You probably noticed a lot of maroon and white around school today. Our community is definitely showing SSP PACKER Pride today for homecoming. Tonight is the big "homecoming" football game. What does that mean? Where are they coming home from? Do a little research to see where the term, "homecoming" came from.

Another thing to ponder, do you think the Green Bay Packers are named the 'Packers' for the same reason the SSP Packers are?! Lots to think about today!

Be good. Be nice. Behave.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Let's talk math...

September 25, 2014

Hello Mathematicians,
You've been working so diligently in your WIN math groups. Believe it or not, you are ready for the post-test. Today is your last day of this 2-week-cycle. Work hard!

Think! If the average fourth grade backpack weighs 10 pounds, how much would all the students' backpacks in your class weigh? What information do you need?

What if each backpack weighed 15 pounds? How much more would the class backpacks weigh?

Either work with your class or independently. Post your answers and explanations!

Be good. Be nice. Behave.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Bus Safety

September 24, 2014

Good morning risk takers,
It is so cool to see many of you participating in Homecoming Spirit Week. All these crazy patterns today are making me dizzy! Remember, tomorrow show you are a "thinker" by wearing clothes with words, letters, and numbers on them.

Yesterday and today we will all have had bus safety reminders. Riding the bus is a privilege and a responsibility. We talk so much about being safe and helping others, including the driver to be safe. One thing that isn't thought of often, is being polite. How about saying good morning, thank you, or have a great day to the driver. I am certain they would appreciate it!

Be good. Be nice. Behave.

Monday, September 22, 2014


September 23, 2014

Greetings advertisers!
We are getting ready to wrap up our unit of inquiry, MEDIA. We've learned about several advertising techniques, logos, slogans, and how we can be influenced. Media is all around us. Now that you know more about it, do you make your decisions differently?

Tonight the seasons will change. Summer will be officially over, and autumn will begin. At 9:29 PM, the autumnal equinox brings the fall season. What is your favorite thing about fall? Leave a comment on the blog!

Autumn Waltz by Cathy Cronin
Crisp autumn breeze
Tickles the trees.
Confetti leaves

Be good. Be nice. Behave!

Thursday, September 18, 2014


September 19, 2014

Hello Fourth Graders,

You have completed your first week of WIN switch.  You all are doing a wonderful job of getting to your WIN classes on time and showing line basics in the hallway. Keep up the good work! 
Also, Mrs. Applequist did a great job of posting the WIN Essential Agreements on the bulletin board in the hallway.  Check it out!

Exciting News: Our Chip Shoppe Fundraiser starts today!!! :) In your classes you will watch a video explaining the Fundraiser and prizes you can earn.

Have a great weekend!

Be Good. Be Nice. Behave.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Design Elements

September 18, 2014

Hi Fourth Graders,

How many of you attended the Walk-a-Thon yesterday? The Walk-a-Thon was a 5K.  How many miles are in a 5K?

In you class you have been discussing Design Elements for Ads.  What is a logo? What is a slogan? Yesterday's blog post had a logo of a blue bird.  Did you know what that logo represented? guess it right....its for Twitter.

Here are some slogans. Can you guess what these slogans are for?

"Just Do It"
"I'm Lov'in It"
"Melts In Your Mouth, Not In Your Hands"

Have a great day!

Be nice. Be good. Behave.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014


September 17, 2014

Hi Inquirers,

The Central Idea for the Media unit is that the choices of media impact people's decisions.  What does that mean? You have been talking about advertising in your classrooms.  What are some techniques advertisers use to promote their products?

What does this logo represent? Discuss with your class.

Have a great day!

Be good. Be nice. Behave.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Math Everywhere!

September 16, 2014

Hello Fourth Graders,

Yesterday you all divided into your Math WIN groups.  You will stay in those groups for two weeks. Have fun learning!!!

When do we use Math in our daily lives? Think with your class and come up with some examples of when you use Math in everyday life.  What are the main concepts in Math you are currently learning? Think about when you use those Math concepts.

This is a book recommendation.  

book cover of 

Day with No Math

Additionally, check out this website link about Greg Tang Math.

Have a good day!

Be good. Be nice. Behave.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Hey....What's the Main Idea???

September 12, 2014

Good Morning Fourth Graders,

Yesterday was your last WIN switch with meeting the teachers.  Monday you will start your two week groups with one teacher.  Remember...have fun learning!

What is the title of the book you are currently reading?  Is it a good fit for you? Think about what the book is about? In your classes,  you have been focusing on identifying the main idea and supporting details. Think about the book you are currently reading....what is the main idea? What are some supporting details? Share with your class!

Have a wonderful weekend!

Be good. Be nice. Behave.


September 11, 2014

This morning many of us felt very chilly coming outside to go to school. It is about 50 degrees and sunny outside. As I took the first cold breath outside, I imagined thinking what 50 degrees would feel like to us in January! We will look back at this morning longingly.

Today is the last WIN math group switch for the practice rounds. Next week we will begin our first math groups. These groups will last for two weeks before the next switch! You've done a really nice job rotating through most of the teachers.

Be good. Be nice. Behave.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

And now I know....

September 10, 2014

Well hello wonderers,
Yesterday I mentioned it was Colonel Sanders birthday. I wondered why Kentucky Fried Chicken wasn't named Indiana Fried Chicken, being that Harlan Sanders was from there. I did a little research, and now I know. The first KFC and current headquarters of KFC is in Kentucky!

Are you wondering why I am so curious about KFC?

Have you read about Trace Fossils? We are discussing stated main ideas and supporting details in reading. Why are supporting details important to a main idea? When you are writing something, make a connection to these lessons. You too will need a main idea and supporting details!

Be good. Be nice. Behave.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Terrific Tuesday!

September 9, 2014

Have you ever eaten at  Kentucky Fried Chicken? On this date in 1890 the founder of KFC, Colonel Harlan Sanders was born in Indiana. I wonder why they call it Kentucky Fried Chicken, and not Indiana Fried Chicken. What do you do when you wonder about something? Do you figure it out or just forget about it? Try taking action. When you wonder, do a little research!

Think about yesterday. What can you do to make today just a little better than yesterday? Make a commitment to yourself. Make today better!

Be good. Be nice. Behave.

Monday, September 8, 2014


September 8, 2014

Good morning 4th graders,
We have successfully finished two weeks of fourth grade. It feels so good to be getting more comfortable with our routines and expectations. Each week we will be adding more to our academic routines. Think about your commitment to learning. You are really in charge of what and how you learn!

Next week is the Walk-a-thon! This a fun way to raise money for our classrooms. We will talk more this week about how to raise money responsibly. Did you know half of the money we raise stays in our classrooms? That means your teacher can buy new books, games, and supplies just for you! Also, this year, we will share some of our money with specialists. They will buy new supplies for you too!

Make today great!

Be good. Be nice. Behave.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Happy Friday!

September 5, 2014

Good Morning Everyone,

Yesterday you all did a great job showing the Essential Agreements during WIN switch.  Great job! Keep it up!

Today you will switch again with the same group of students. However, you will meet and work with a different teacher. You will move to the next room.

This week some classes have visited with Mrs. Gerber and talked about Bushy Brains.  Mrs. Gerber mentioned that learning from your mistakes helps your brain become bushier. So, it's okay to make mistakes, that is how we learn.  Reflect on a mistake you made and what you learned from it?

Have a wonderful weekend!

Be good. Be nice. Behave.

WIN Switch!

September 4, 2013
Hello Fourth Graders,
Yesterday all of the Fourth grade classes met in Mr. Frischmann's room to discuss WIN switch for math.  Do you remember what WIN stands for?  We also created Essential Agreements for our WIN switch.  This is what we all agreed to:

  • Treat others the way you want to be treated
    • Be caring
    • Be respectful
  • Be safe
    • Self Control
    • Walk
    • Line basics
  • Have fun learning
  • Be engaged
    • listening
    • keep trying
    • ask questions
You should follow the Essential Agreements everyday during WIN time.  Today, we will all switch from 10:30-11:00. Your teacher will let you know what room to go to today.

Mr. Frischmann- Room 240
Mrs. Applequist- Room 239
Mrs. Brown-  Room 238
Mrs. Larson- Room 237
Mrs. Laliberte- Room 236
Mrs. McAlpine- Room 230

Be good. Be nice. Behave.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Wonderful Wednesday!!!

September 3, 2014

Dear Fourth Graders,

Last week you spent time working on Essential Agreements in your classroom.  Those rules not only apply in your classroom but apply in all classrooms.  What Essential Agreements did your class create? 

Today all Fourth Grade Classrooms will meet in Mr. Frischmann's class (Room 240) for a group discussion on switching during WIN Time.  Together as a group we will talk about Essential Agreements for when we switch classrooms.  What will it look like or sound like when you use the hallways to get to another classroom? 

Enjoy your day!

Be good.  Be nice.  Behave.

Terrific Tuesday!

September 2, 2014

Dear Fourth Graders,

Yesterday was Labor Day. I challenged you to find out information about why we celebrate this as a national holiday. What did you learn? Do you have anything to share with your class? Better yet, leave a comment on this blog!

Has your class talked about essential agreements yet? What is important to you in order to have a positive classroom environment? Remember, all fourth grade classes will be sharing essential agreements and hopes and dreams with each other later this week.

Be good. Be nice. Behave.