Thursday, September 4, 2014

WIN Switch!

September 4, 2013
Hello Fourth Graders,
Yesterday all of the Fourth grade classes met in Mr. Frischmann's room to discuss WIN switch for math.  Do you remember what WIN stands for?  We also created Essential Agreements for our WIN switch.  This is what we all agreed to:

  • Treat others the way you want to be treated
    • Be caring
    • Be respectful
  • Be safe
    • Self Control
    • Walk
    • Line basics
  • Have fun learning
  • Be engaged
    • listening
    • keep trying
    • ask questions
You should follow the Essential Agreements everyday during WIN time.  Today, we will all switch from 10:30-11:00. Your teacher will let you know what room to go to today.

Mr. Frischmann- Room 240
Mrs. Applequist- Room 239
Mrs. Brown-  Room 238
Mrs. Larson- Room 237
Mrs. Laliberte- Room 236
Mrs. McAlpine- Room 230

Be good. Be nice. Behave.

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