Friday, November 21, 2014

Fractions on a Number Line

November 21, 2014

Howdy partners,
We've all been working diligently with fractions for the last few weeks. It is nearly time to wrap this up with our 2nd Comp test. It can be exciting to show what we know. Reflect... what do you still need clarification with?

Mrs. Applequist's class has been spending a lot of time putting fractions on number lines. It is amazing to think many fractions (not including mixed numbers or improper fractions) fit somewhere between 0 and 1!

Imagine if we squished each of these colored fraction bars up to the red line. They would all fit, in their own spots somewhere between 0 and 1! Think though... what about equivalent fractions?

Have a fantastic weekend! Be safe and smart!

Be good. Be nice. Behave.

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