Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Walls and Bulletin Boards

October 7, 2014

Good morning 4th graders,
Have you ever wondered about the walls and bulletin boards at school? If not, I want you to take a minute to think about them. Think about who puts them up and why. Think about how much time it takes to put stuff up. Think about why a lot of kids can't seem to not touch them. It makes me very sad to walk down our hallway when I look at the walls. I have noticed paper ripped off boards near Mrs. McAlpine's room. I have noticed papers and posters wrinkled and torn near Mrs. Larson's and Mrs. Brown's rooms. I have also noticed borders and fabric ripped near Mrs. Applequist's room.

Fourth graders, you are making a mess everywhere you go. We expect you to be more respectful with our environment. Remember to keep your hands to yourselves. This does not just mean do not touch other people... It means KEEP YOUR HANDS TO YOURSELF... DO NOT TOUCH WHAT DOES NOT BELONG TO YOU.

How can we make this better?

Be good. Be nice. Behave.

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