Friday, October 30, 2015

Time to Celebrate!

October 30, 2015

Happy End-of-October!
I don't know about you, but I feel like this month has FLOWN by! It seems like just last week we sat together in the hallway to celebrate classmates for being CARING and COMMITTED. Those twelve students continue to impress us by living the PROFILE each day. Thank you for being great role models!

Today we will honor twelve students for truly practicing the ATTITUDES of INTEGRITY and COOPERATION. These children consistently do the right thing and really try to work well with others.

Please keep in mind, even if you are not recognized at our hallway ceremony, that DOES NOT mean that you do not practice the PROFILE. These ceremonies are a great time to practice EMPATHY and simply be excited for the children being recognized!

Image result for children celebrating
Side note! If you are trick-or-treating this weekend, please remember to be safe, and be smart! Enjoy the weekend!

Be good. Be nice. Behave!

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Rad Zoo

October 28, 2015

Hello Risk Takers!
A week or two ago we had a visit from RAD ZOO! Each class had the opportunity to go to an in-school field trip to meet a few creatures and learn more about adaptations some animals make in order to survive and thrive!

Here is a group of children holding the yellow ____ . Do you remember what this is? What did you learn about it?

Feel free to check out pictures, and lots more facts and information about all the cool animals we saw at

Over the past month and the next couple weeks, all third graders will have another in-school field trip. Warner Nature Engineers come to our classrooms for three days and talk to us about adaptations of plants and animals. This either started or will end your unit of inquiry about ADAPTATIONS. Think about what you learned and the structures of plants/animals; adaptations; and traits. 

Our next unit is SOLAR SYSTEM!! I wonder what kind of cool field trip we could IMAGINE about for this unit!

Be good. Be nice. Behave. 

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Book Talk Tuesday

Featuring Ms. Thompson's 3rd Grade Class!!

Sometimes we choose books because we like the title or cover, or because we like other books the author has written, or because a friend recommends the book.  Mrs. Applequist and Mrs. Krone recommended The One and Only Ivan by Katherine Applegate and that is what Ms. Thompson’s class is reading for their read aloud.  So far, we’ve used our reading skills to make predictions about what is going to happen.  We’re also talking about what character traits Ivan and Ruby exhibit.  Soon, we’ll know enough about the characters to compare and contrast them.  If you’ve already this great book, which so many people have recommended…shhhhh!  Don’t give away the ending!  There are copies of this book in the Library if you’d like to read it along with us!

Image result for the one and only ivan  

Image result for the one and only ivan ruby   Image result for the one and only ivan ruby

Read! Read! Read!
Be good. Be nice. Behave!

Monday, October 26, 2015

Being Awesome

October 26, 2015

Good morning 3rd Graders!
Your teachers were so happy to have met with most of your families. It is very cool for us to see you in a different light... many of us act a little differently at home and at school! Believe it or not, teachers do too!

Since we just reflected on the first six weeks of school and are really getting ready for the the next six, I thought it was a good idea to remind you how awesome you are! And, how awesome we should be! Here is your guide to being awesome, brought to you by Kid President!

Image result for awesome

Be good. Be nice. Behave!

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Rainbow Fish

October 21, 2015

Happy Conferences Days!
They are finally here! Time to celebrate six weeks of learning, growing, reflecting, and goal setting. We've been spending so much time thinking about ourselves and what we do well and what needs work. I've noticed a lot of really great friendships forming in third grade! This isn't always something we reflect on for conferences though.

How many of you did not know many people very well in your third grade class? Anyone nervous to meet new kids?

In the story RAINBOW FISH, the fish learns how to be a good friend and the importance of sharing. Third grade is a year when we really learn the importance of being a good friend. Listen to the story and make a personal connection. How are you like the fish, and how are you different?

                                                      You                Both          Rainbow Fish
Image result for venn diagram


Image result for rainbow fish
Be good. Be nice. Behave.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Book Talk Tuesday

October 20, 2015

Well hello there!
Book Talk Tuesday comes from Mrs. Applequist!

My very favorite book of all times is called TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD. I love this book so much that I've read it again and again. I also love this book so much that I named my dog after the author! Harper Lee wrote this book in the 1950s and it came out in 1960.

Atticus Finch and his children, Jem and Scout, are a family that continue to live the profile every single day even though their community does not support the choices they make. The Finch family believe it is important to support all community members no matter what the differences are. Atticus is an incredible role model for his children and all those who read this book.

One of my favorite lines that Atticus says is,

“You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view …”
Image result for atticus finch   Image result for to kill a mockingbird  
Think about this quote. Can it help us work better with others? Perhaps it can help us to be more patient and tolerant. I know when we consider others' points of view (perspective), it gives us a better idea of where they are coming from!
Be good. Be nice. Behave. 

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Mid-October Monday

October 19, 2015

Hello Reflective Students,
We have a short week before conferences. We will spend a lot of time this week reflecting on the first couple months of third grade. What has gone well? What can we improve? What are our Hopes & Dreams?

Conferences are a time for you and your family to meet with your teacher to set realistic goals before report cards. Conferences should not be scary or nerve wracking... they really are a time to plan how to be successful students and caring citizens.
Image result for pyp reflective
Conferences are Wednesday night and Thursday day/night. Plan to come with your parents. Also, don't forget to check out the book fair in the library!

Be good. Be nice. Behave.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Reading Fluency

October 14, 2015

Hello readers!
Yesterday Mrs. Costain told us how much her daughters love being read to and that being read to counts for our daily reading minutes. Books on CD or online are a great way to listen to stories. Hearing good readers helps our fluency. Fluency is how well we read out loud, which believe it or not, helps our understanding!

How does hearing good reading help you to be a better out loud reader?!

Listen to Library Lion to hear an excellent example out loud reading.

Library Lion

Image result for library lion

Make sure to read 15-20 minutes everyday! The more you read, the more you know!

Be good. Be nice. Behave.