Wednesday, March 30, 2016

The Results Are In!

March 30, 2016

Thank you so much for sharing graphs and sentences! I was so excited to hear back from so many of you!! 

The results are in... and SUMMER is the overall favorite of 3rd Graders at Lincoln Center! 

Third Grade Results
Spring...9 people
Summer... 60 people
Autumn... 14 people
Winter... 9 people

Now think! 
**How many more people like SUMMER than spring, autumn, and winter combined?
**What two seasons have the same number of likes?
**What is like more ~ winter and spring together OR autumn?

Look at the different ways to show this data! Thank you so much for sharing this with me!


 Bar Graph

 Line Plot

 Circle Graph/Pie Chart

Collecting Data

Super Season Sentences from Mrs. Moen's class!!!
Spring is my favorite season because it's not too hot or cold.
My favorite season is summer because you can do lots of activities.
I like summer because there are lots of activities to do and because it is my birthday.
Summer because it is nice outside.
My favorite season is summer because I can go to the beach.
My favorite season is summer.
My favorite season is summer because there is no school or homework.
I like summer because I can wear t-shirts and shorts, and it is not cold.
My favorite season is summer.
I like summer because it is warm. 
My favorite season is summer because it's warm and the pool is open.
My favorite season is summer because I can going swimming, and I like hot weather.
My favorite season is summer because I can go swimming, and it's my birthday.
Summer is my favorite season because it is warm.
My favorite season is summer because we get to be off of school and play outside!
Autumn because of my birthday.
My favorite season is autumn because it's not too hot or cold, and it has some of my favorite holidays.
My favorite season is autumn because it's not too cold, but it's not too hot... it's in the middle!
Fall because that's when my birthday is.
I like winter because you can build a snowman.
I like winter because I get to ice skate.

Great job working together, 3rd graders! 
Be good. Be nice. Behave. 

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