Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Library & Walk-a-Thon

Good morning,
Well, the dismissal challenge did not go as well as I had hoped. We are not in good shape, boys and girls. The lines are a mess! The lines are noisey! The lines are lacking the basics. Sadly, no one won the challenge! We'll try again today.

This week all classes will be visiting the library for book check. Mrs. Brimacomb will give good reminders about how to check out books and how to keep the library tidy. We are so lucky to have access to so many books. Theses pictures are from Mrs. Applequist's class. What do you notice?

The SSP Educational Foundation Walk-a-Thon is coming up. This is a great way to earn money for your classroom. Students and teachers raise money and get to keep half of it to use in their classrooms. Every person that raises $15 will get a t-shirt. Walk-a-thon envelopes will go home with you soon.

Be good. Be nice. Behave.

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