Thursday, June 2, 2016

Friday Funday

June 2, 2016

Good afternoon 3rd graders!
We have been working so diligently finishing up projects, learning more information, designing polygon worlds, and cleaning! We are proud of your efforts to work hard all the way until the end of the year!

To show our appreciation, the 3rd grade teachers have planned a fun Friday morning for you! There are actually two plans depending on Mother Nature...

1) A kick-ball tournament at Vet's Field!!! This is not a championship sort of tournament... more like a 6 class kick-ball extravaganza!

2) Classroom choices of movies, games, crafts... similar to past Commitment Card celebrations.

Either way, each class will be decked out in class colors!
Applequist ~ maroon 
Costain ~ white
Croonquist ~ green
Gerken ~ blue
Krone ~ black
Thompson ~ red

Be ready to show our 3rd grade spirit! We are so proud of you!

Be good. Be nice. Behave!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for a very useful post. I, am a teacher and parent, appreciate your effort to write about your achievements here. It’s good for the students to know that their doings are accessed and valued by the teacher. I noticed that you have a lot of vocabulary practice scheduled; perhaps you should also include the writing skills’ development. However finding where to order college essays online is also a good option. I like your choice of colours, this technique is destined to make the classroom more bright and colourful.
