Friday, January 29, 2016


January 29, 2016

Hello 3rd Grade Citizens!
Today we will celebrate another great month! Way to go! We will celebrate 12 students that show exceptional creativity and empathy. The rest of us will also celebrate the hard work and commitment we have for our community and learning. Your teachers are very proud of you!

This afternoon you will be spread out between all of the classrooms. Think about your classroom essential agreements and make sure to bring them with you wherever you go!

One piece of business to address... BATHROOM ETIQUETTE! Please remember why you go into the bathroom... simply to use the bathroom!
1. go to the bathroom... quietly
2. wash your hands... quietly
3. get out... quietly
4. go straight back to your class... quietly
Image result for kid bathroom etiquette signs   Image result for be quiet

Be good. Be nice. Behave.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Birthday Month Data

January 27, 2016

Hello thinkers!
Thank you for taking time in your classes and collecting data about third grade birthdays. Many classes collected the same information differently. How cool is that?! Take a look at the following pictures... What do you notice?

Can you think of how we could represent all of this data? Remember, data is the information we've collected. Is there a way to show all of the classes data together? What would that look like?

Be good. Be nice. Behave. 

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Book Talk Tuesday

January 26, 2016

Hello readers!
Thank you to the classes that have submitted birthday month data. I will continue organizing it and share it with you tomorrow.

Today's book talk comes to you from one of my very favorite readers, my daughter, Evelyn. She is reading OLIVE AND BEATRIX AND THE NOT SO ITTY BITTY SPIDER.

Image result for olive and beatrix the not so itty bitty spider

She is really enjoying this book. It is fiction and is written in two styles ~ some pages and pictures look like comic books (graphic novels) and some pages are written in story style. The two main characters are sisters, but they are very different. Evie can make a real life connection to that ~ she and her sister are VERY different! Evie feels like she connects more with Olive because she doesn't have magic and because Olive is very kind to everyone. 

Remember, good readers make connections with what they are reading. You can make real life connections (you connect yourself with a character or event in a story); text-to-text connection (connect your book with another book); text-to-real world (connect your book to something happening in the world). What connections can you make to what you are currently reading or your class's read aloud?

Be good. Be nice. Behave. 

Monday, January 25, 2016


January 25, 2016

Good morning thinkers!
Have you ever asked a whole bunch of people the same question? People collect data, or information, when they gather a lot of information about the same thing. Here's an example... Last night I asked my whole family what their favorite ice creams are. 2 people said chocolate, one person said mint chocolate chip, and one person said vanilla.

Applequist Family Favorite Ice Cream
Chocolate = 50%
Mint Chocolate Chip = 25%
Vanilla = 25%
Image result for ice cream

There are many ways to organize data: percents, fractions, bar graphs, line plots... and many more! We are going to practice collecting and organizing data in 3rd grade.

Image result for bar graph

BrainPop Jr. Tally Charts and Bar Graphs

Now let's practice. Take a survey in your classroom, and make sure to collect the data! I will use the data and show you a couple different ways to organize it! If your class has time, you can even make a graph in your classroom!

What month is your birthday?

Be good. Be nice. Behave.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

What time is it?

January 20, 2016

Good morning!
We are so so lucky to have CLIMB Theater visiting all of our classes this week. How many of you make connections between what you learn from the CLIMB actors and our real everyday life? They are here to teach and remind us of appropriate ways to behave and handle ourselves.

Do any of these phrases sound familiar to you?
... quarter after...
... quarter til...
... half past...

Are you comfortable skip counting by...
... 1s...
... 5s...
... 10s...

Telling time is a matter of skip counting by ones and fives... and remembering a few phrases. Each big number on a clock stands for skip counting by 5 that many times. When the big hand is on the 1... skip count 5, one time! On the 2... skip count 5, two times (5 minutes, 10 minutes). Sometimes it's seems a little tricky to explain. Let's see if Annie and Moby can explain it better!

Image result for brainpop jr

Be good. Be nice. Behave. 

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Book Talk Tuesday

January 19, 2016

Hello thinkers!
Book Talk Tuesday comes to us from Mrs. Krone!

Hello 3rd graders! This is Mrs. Krone coming to you for this week’s book talk Tuesday. Did you know that not all reading needs to happen out of a book? Do you get the newspaper at home? Or in your classroom? The newspaper is one of my favorite things to read. There are many different people that write articles or columns within the newspaper. Some of them write to inform us (news stories that tell us facts). Some write to persuade us (editorials that share facts and opinions). Some write to entertain us or makes up laugh (comics). Some share information about events going on in our community. 

My favorite part of the newspaper changes depending on what kind of mood I am in. Sometimes I am really interested in the sports section because I want to see how my favorite teams did. But sometimes I am feeling more serious and want to check out the front page which is where the top news stories are located. On Sundays, I like to check out all the advertisements J

Remember, in order to become a better reader, you need to practice!! Check out the newspaper for something new to read!!

Image result for minneapolis star tribune logo  Image result for newspaper

Be good. Be nice. Behave!

Friday, January 15, 2016

No School on Monday!

January 15, 2016

Good morning!
This morning we have the great opportunity of meeting with Mayor Beth Baumann. Keep in mind what we've learned about local government. Today she will talk about her role in our community ~ and even talk about YOUR role in our community.

Many years ago, there was a community leader who was passionate about civil rights. Martin Luther King, Junior was an advocate for human rights and making sure people's basic needs were met. He was a peaceful man that organized protests, marches, and gatherings to promote peace in a very scary time in our country.

We have so many people living today that have the same hopes and dreams for peace that MLK had. Kid President in one of them! He inspires people around the world to be kinder, gentler, and more accepting of those around us. If Martin Luther King, Jr. was still alive, he and Kid President would sure make an incredible team!!

Kid President ~ MLK, Jr.

Image result for kid president  Image result for martin luther king jr

Be good. Be nice. Behave.

Thursday, January 14, 2016


January 14, 2016

Hello Caring Students,
This month we are committed to the PYP Attitude, EMPATHY. Empathy is really considering what it would feel like to be someone else... how would you feel if that happened to you? How would you hope someone treated you if.... ? When we have an empathetic attitude, we are CARING people!

Here is a story that shows great empathy. Watch how this little boy interacts with his special friend. Talk with your class on ways he had empathy... and how we can practice empathy. Think beyond the easy... dig a little deeper!

Image result for wilfrid gordon mcdonald partridge

Wildrid Gordon McDonald Partridge

Be good. Be nice. Behave.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Governors Angeleeh & Wyatt!

January 13, 2016

Good morning Lincoln Center Citizens!
We had a fantastic opportunity to act out the process of bills becoming laws yesterday when Representative Atkins visited us. All students were divided into two groups... do you remember what they were called???

One group represented the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES (Rep. Atkins belongs to the group in real life!). The other group was called the SENATE. He taught us how challenging it is for people's original ideas for new laws to become "bills" before they're voted on by the HOUSE and SENATE. After the HOUSE and SENATE agree to pass a bill along to the GOVERNOR, it is the governor's job to sign the bill into law or veto it!

Angeleeh, from Mrs. Costain's class had the opportunity to play Governor! She vetoed the bill allowing 12 years olds to vote, and she passed the law for all 4 year olds to go to preschool. Wouldn't it be great it everything at the capitol was as easy and fun as it was yesterday here at Lincoln?

Wyatt S. from Ms. Thompson's class also played governor and would have liked to vote for all ages to vote. He also passed a law that school should be cancelled if the wind chill is -20! Now that's a law I can stand behind!

Thank you to all of you, 3rd graders, for being respectful students... for asking good questions and being risk takers! We are proud of you!


School House Rocks ~ A Bill Becomes a Law

Be good. Be nice. Behave. 

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Book Talk Tuesday

January 12, 2016

Hello readers!
Today's Book Talk comes to us from my dear friend, 4th grade teacher, Mrs. Larson! She reads all the time! She reads books, newspapers, magazines, and 'stuff' online! Listen to what she has to say about one of her favorite authors.

Hi Third Grade Friends,

I am Mrs. Larson, and this is one of my favorite authors.  Her name is Judy Blume.  

Have you ever read one of her books?  I have read most of them.  She has written children's books and adult books too.  This is a book about Judy's life.  This type of book is a biography and it is available at our Lincoln Center Library.  While reading this book, I learned that Judy was born in New Jersey and has an older brother.  Her father was a dentist (that's why most of her stories involve teeth or the dentist).  Judy was social and friendly at school.  She had many friends.  Judy went to college at Boston University but then she dropped out.  She eventually graduated from school.  She has lived in New Mexico, New Jersey, and now she currently lives in Florida. 

A few years ago Mrs. Applequist and myself went to an author's talk and listened to Judy Blume speak about her books and her life.  It was a fun event.  Yes, Judy is alive and well.  She now resides in the Florida Keys and enjoys dancing. 

If you have never read a Judy Blume book, I encourage you to try one!  But don't read Tales of a 4th Grade Nothing.  We will be reading it next year. 

As Mrs. Applequist says "Be good.  Be nice.  BEHAVE"

Monday, January 11, 2016

Tis the Season!

January 11, 2016

Good morning thinkers!
This week we will each take the NWEA Map ~ Reading Test. Some of us will even take it today!

Let's think of some strong test taking skills, and better yet, let's try to practice them this week!

* Take your time!
* If you can't see all of the passage, scroll down.
* You might see the same passage more than once... that's okay!
* If you're not sure of an answer, try to eliminate wrong answers.
* Be respectful of those around you... and be quiet!!!
* Bring a book to the computer lab with you.

Image result for computer test clipart

Continue the conversation with your class.

Be good. Be nice. Behave.