Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Book Talk Tuesday

January 19, 2016

Hello thinkers!
Book Talk Tuesday comes to us from Mrs. Krone!

Hello 3rd graders! This is Mrs. Krone coming to you for this week’s book talk Tuesday. Did you know that not all reading needs to happen out of a book? Do you get the newspaper at home? Or in your classroom? The newspaper is one of my favorite things to read. There are many different people that write articles or columns within the newspaper. Some of them write to inform us (news stories that tell us facts). Some write to persuade us (editorials that share facts and opinions). Some write to entertain us or makes up laugh (comics). Some share information about events going on in our community. 

My favorite part of the newspaper changes depending on what kind of mood I am in. Sometimes I am really interested in the sports section because I want to see how my favorite teams did. But sometimes I am feeling more serious and want to check out the front page which is where the top news stories are located. On Sundays, I like to check out all the advertisements J

Remember, in order to become a better reader, you need to practice!! Check out the newspaper for something new to read!!

Image result for minneapolis star tribune logo  Image result for newspaper

Be good. Be nice. Behave!

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