Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Book Talk Tuesday

January 12, 2016

Hello readers!
Today's Book Talk comes to us from my dear friend, 4th grade teacher, Mrs. Larson! She reads all the time! She reads books, newspapers, magazines, and 'stuff' online! Listen to what she has to say about one of her favorite authors.

Hi Third Grade Friends,

I am Mrs. Larson, and this is one of my favorite authors.  Her name is Judy Blume.  

Have you ever read one of her books?  I have read most of them.  She has written children's books and adult books too.  This is a book about Judy's life.  This type of book is a biography and it is available at our Lincoln Center Library.  While reading this book, I learned that Judy was born in New Jersey and has an older brother.  Her father was a dentist (that's why most of her stories involve teeth or the dentist).  Judy was social and friendly at school.  She had many friends.  Judy went to college at Boston University but then she dropped out.  She eventually graduated from school.  She has lived in New Mexico, New Jersey, and now she currently lives in Florida. 

A few years ago Mrs. Applequist and myself went to an author's talk and listened to Judy Blume speak about her books and her life.  It was a fun event.  Yes, Judy is alive and well.  She now resides in the Florida Keys and enjoys dancing. 

If you have never read a Judy Blume book, I encourage you to try one!  But don't read Tales of a 4th Grade Nothing.  We will be reading it next year. 

As Mrs. Applequist says "Be good.  Be nice.  BEHAVE"

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