Friday, April 29, 2016


April 26, 2016

This time of year gets really crazy... fun crazy... tired crazy... silly crazy... grumpy crazy. It's an easy time of year to be really excited but also really frustrated. Sometimes we get our emotions really confused! An example of this is when we're really tired... and think we're angry... or vice versa!

This is also a time of year when we need to remember to show appreciation. When we are grateful for something or someone and can show that... something happens! We actually feel better about ourselves! Research proves that when we are grateful and when we do good deeds for others, our hearts really do feel happier!

Here is a story of good deeds, hurt feelings, good and bad choices... and the PYP Action Cycle.
Image result for thank you mr. falker

Thank You, Mr. Falker

Find something or someone to be grateful for today. How will you show it?

Be good. Be nice. Behave.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Did you hear that?

April 27, 2016

We are in the middle of our lessons with our guest teachers from the Science Museum of Minnesota. Half of us are working with sound, and the other half are working with light. This is a great opportunity for us to work through the engineer design process, making connections to literature (Kwame and Omar ) and nature.

Image result for birds
  Image result for flashlight clipart   Image result for mirror

How can we make connections with light and sound to our everyday lives? Both are things that we really take for granted... we are so lucky to have access to both. Even people whose eyes and ears are work differently, still have benefits from light and sound!

BrainPop Jr. SOUND

Be good. Be nice. Behave.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Here we go!!

April 25, 2016

Hello Mathematicians!
Today we will begin our two days of Math MCAs. Signing in and working hard will be exactly the same as the reading test. This time around, you will have a pencil and scratch paper. Take time to show what you know! Have GRIT... think about each problem... make connections to what you already know.

Image result for standardized testing clipart

Be good. Be nice. Behave. 

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Long Weekend

April 21, 2016

It is time for a refreshing long weekend for you! When you have a three day weekend, with beautiful weather no-less, the options are limitless! What are some favorite spring time activities... indoors and outdoors?

Here is the challenge... decide with your class if you will work with partners or all together. Come up with some way to collect and show your data. Get it to Mrs. Applequist by Friday (or today...), and I will compile it for Monday's blog.

The questions to think about:
Do you prefer to be inside or outside?
What do you like to do on a day off of school?
Which is your favorite activity? (give choices)
...or come up with your own...

There are so many ways to show data. What are the ways you've practiced so far this year? Even think back to our favorite season graphs! Take time, be thinkers, and show action!

Think spring!
Image result for spring images

Be good. Be nice. Behave!

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Tool Box Tuesday

April 19, 2016

Hello Thinkers!
What are some of your math tools that help you solve problems? Each day at school and in the real world, we are faced with math problems! Next time you go shopping, think about how you are keeping track of how much money you will spend or save. Are there discounts or sales? 2 for 1s? As we get ready for Math MCAs, it is a great time to rethink about our math key words and the CUBES method.

Take a look at the chart, some of you may even have a similar one in your classroom, and discuss the key words. Why is it important to recognize math words?

Image result for math key words anchor chart

Another strategy to be thinking about is our CUBES method for solving problems. It is sort of like combining our CLOSE reading with math!

Image result for cubes method for solving word problems

As always, one of the best learning strategies is simply having GRIT! 

Be good. Be nice. Behave. 

Monday, April 18, 2016

Welcome to the World!

April 18, 2016

Hello Caring Citizens,
I'd like to take time this morning to welcome Austin Jennings Moen to the world! Baby AJ was born Saturday afternoon and is a happy, healthy baby boy!

Congratulations Moen family! We know Ada will be a super big sister! Have a great summer!


AND!!! Welcome, Mr. Croonquist! We are excited to have you with us for the rest of the year!

Be good. Be nice. Behave!

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Last Day of Reading MCAs!!

April 14, 2016

Hello 3rd Grade Thinkers!
We are so proud of you! You have shown determination and perseverance. You have proven to us that you have GRIT! One more day of reading tests! Way to go!

After today (and anyone that needs to take reading make-ups), we will take one week off before our math tests. That does not mean we can take a break from determination, perseverance, and GRIT! Keep up the strong work!

Image result for you got this

Good luck today!
Be good. Be nice. Behave!

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Making Inferences

April 13, 2016

Hello thinkers!
We've all been busy practicing identifying cause and effect relationships. Our MCA tests are a great example of cause and effect.

We have worked diligently all year long so we are prepared for the MCAs.
The MCAs will be no problem because we are ready!

What are the causes and effects in these two examples? How do you know? What is your signal language?

Annie and Moby are here to give you a great review of cause and effect with reading passages.

BPjr Cause and Effect
Image result for annie and moby

Good luck testing today!

Be good. Be nice. Behave. 

Monday, April 11, 2016


April 11, 2016

Good morning thinkers!
This week the rest of the third graders will take the reading MCA test. The test is three days long and is really an opportunity to show what you know! You will have several reading passages including fiction, non-fiction, and even poetry! You've all been getting ready for this week for quite a long time now. Remember to have GRIT and do your very best! We are proud of you!

What is the difference between fiction and non-fiction?
Why do most non-fiction authors write non-fiction?
Are there different types of non-fiction?

Annie and Moby are here to share their knowledge with you. Be thinkers! What connections can you make with this Brain Pop and the tests you will be taking this week?

Image result for brainpop jr

Give it your all
Redo if necessary (check  your work)
Ignore giving up
Take time to do your best

Be good. Be nice. Behave