Wednesday, April 6, 2016

time for a rhyme

April 6, 2016

One of my very favorite poems from my childhood is "SICK" by Shel Silverstein. It is a silly rhyming poem that describes a girl's sickness which is preventing her from going to school.

Notice that some of the lines rhyme... what is the rhyming pattern? Who is telling this poem? Is there a theme? Last, have you ever pretended to be sick and tried to stay home from school?

Poets (authors that write poems) write to entertain readers. Poems can be serious or silly; they can be about nature or man-made things; poems can really make us think and feel things. If you haven't ever checked out a poetry book, I highly recommend any of Shel Silverstein's books. Think about what Mrs. Spreigl taught you about finding books in the library! Have fun!

Be good. Be nice. Behave.

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