Monday, April 11, 2016


April 11, 2016

Good morning thinkers!
This week the rest of the third graders will take the reading MCA test. The test is three days long and is really an opportunity to show what you know! You will have several reading passages including fiction, non-fiction, and even poetry! You've all been getting ready for this week for quite a long time now. Remember to have GRIT and do your very best! We are proud of you!

What is the difference between fiction and non-fiction?
Why do most non-fiction authors write non-fiction?
Are there different types of non-fiction?

Annie and Moby are here to share their knowledge with you. Be thinkers! What connections can you make with this Brain Pop and the tests you will be taking this week?

Image result for brainpop jr

Give it your all
Redo if necessary (check  your work)
Ignore giving up
Take time to do your best

Be good. Be nice. Behave

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