Thursday, October 23, 2014

Dismissal Reminder

October 23, 2014

Dear Fourth Graders,
As we continue to reflect on our progress at school, it is important to think about parts of our routine that are not necessarily in our classrooms. Most classes are very good at Line Basics throughout the day at school. One time we all need to work on this is at dismissal. By now, we each know where we need to go when we leave our classrooms shortly before 3:00.

Mr. Frischmann takes children to Kids Choice.
Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Applequist take children to the gym to wait for busses.
Mrs. Larson takes children to Door 2.
Mrs. McAlpine and Mrs. Laliberte take children to Door 1.

When you leave your classroom, make sure you are walking to the teacher that will dismiss you. Do your best to walk in line basics until you are where you need to be. We need to make better, safer, and quieter choices at dismissal time. Starting today.

Be good. Be nice. Behave.

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