Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Homing Pigeons

October 8, 2014

Hello Thinkers,
The all school assembly yesterday was fantastic. It is such a special opportunity for our entire school community to come together at the same time. At the conclusion of the assembly our hopes, dreams, and growth mindset were symbolized by three birds flying free into the air! After the assembly those birds flew straight home to Bell Plaine, Minnesota!

I did a little research on how those homing pigeons will get home. Scientists know an awful lot about these birds and agree that they have incredible inner compasses. There are two theories on exactly how the birds know how to get home. Some scientists believe the birds' mapping skills have a magnetic relationship with the earth and others believe it has to do with the birds' sense of smell. Whatever it is, it is amazing!!

Be good. Be nice. Behave.

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