Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Internet Safety

October 2, 2013

Hi Fourth Graders,

Yesterday Mrs. Larson, Mrs. McAlpine and Mrs. Laliberte's classes all had internet safety.  Today Mrs. Applequist, Mrs. Brown and Mr. Frischmann's classes will participate in the internet safety presentation. A big THANK YOU to Mrs. Spreigl, our Media Specialist, for putting together a great presentation for all of the Fourth graders.

Some things to think and talk about with your class:
* Why is it important to talk about internet safety?
* What is Cyberbullying?
* Why is it not safe to click on an ad that pops up on your computer screen when on the internet?
* Can text messages be misread? Why?

Enjoy the day!

Be good. Be nice. Behave.

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