Thursday, January 29, 2015

Get Fit Friday and Paraprofessional Week

January 30, 2015

Okay everyone, it's Get Fit Friday! We have a special video that show teachers can "just dance" too. Stand up! Join in! Enjoy!

Teacher Uptown Funk Dance

Also, this week is Paraprofessional Appreciation Week.  Thank you to all of our Paraprofessionals at Lincoln Center for everything that you do.  Here is a presentation created by Mrs. Benning and Mrs. Borrell.

Paraprofessional Presentation

Be good. Be nice. Behave.


January 29, 2015

Hello Fourth Graders! You all have been busy in your classrooms learning about graphs.  In math you will be reading graphs, answering questions, and creating your own graphs with a set of data.  Graphs are a great way to organize data collected.  You can do bar graphs, pie charts, Venn Diagrams, line plots, and many more.

Here is a Brain Pop video all about graphs.


Be good. Be nice. Behave.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

More Venn Diagrams

January 28, 2015

Hello Fourth Graders! The blog on Monday was about Venn Diagrams. Let's practice reading more Venn Diagrams. The link below has six problems to solve. The answer key is on the next page, however, try to answer all the problems as a class, and then check your work.

Happy cooperative learning!!!

Solving Venn Diagram Problems

Be good. Be nice. Behave.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Book Talk Tuesday

January 27, 2015

Good Morning! Today is Book Talk Tuesday, featuring Mrs. McAlpine's book OUT OF MY MIND by Sharon Draper.


One of my all time favorite read aloud books has been a book titled, "Out of My Mind," by Sharon Draper.  

It is about an eleven-year old girl named Melody.  Melody has a photographic memory; it is almost like she has a camera that is always recording.  She is the smartest kid in school, BUT nobody knows it. 

The majority of people that Melody comes in contact with don't think she is capable of learning because she can't walk, she can't talk, and she can't write.  Melody is like a prisoner in her own body.  If only she could speak up and tell people what she knows!

Everything changes when she discovers something that will allow her to speak, changing her life forever!

This book recognizes parents of disabled children who struggle, the children who are misunderstood, and caregivers that help.  It is also is a book that plays on your empathy. How many times have we been confronted by someone who is different, we look away, pretend not to see them, or avoid them because we don't know what to say? This book teaches us to reach out and say hello!

Thank you Mrs. McAlpine for sharing your book.

Be good. Be nice. Behave. 

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Venn Diagrams

January 26, 2015

In the next couple of weeks you will be learning about Data Analysis.  This means you will be reading and interpreting many graphs, diagrams and charts. There are several ways to organize and sort data. For example, when you did the Raisin activity in class you did a Tally Chart with the number of raisins in each box and the number of students. Then you took that information and created a Bar Graph.
A Venn Diagram organizes information into how it is different and the same.  A Venn Diagram can have two or more circles that overlap.  
Notice this Venn Diagram.  It is sorted according to the Multiples of 3 and 5. What numbers do Multiples of 3 and 5 have in common? 

Be good. Be nice. Behave. 

Friday, January 23, 2015

Get Fit Friday!

January 23, 2015

Happy Friday Fourth Graders,
You've been working diligently this week on algebra and function tables. Filling in the missing 'variable' is kind of like solving a puzzle. What connections can you make between a variable or puzzle in math, and our comprehension skill of making inferences?

Last week many of us had fun dancing with the Ghostbusters! Mrs. Applequist's class voted for another dance party to make today a 'Get Fit Friday.' Get up, move your chairs, and get ready to shake! I wonder which class would win a dance off to...

What Does the Fox Say?

Be good. Be nice. Behave!

Thursday, January 22, 2015


January 22, 2015

Good morning thinkers!
Have you started your historical fiction book project? Some classes are reading books together, some children are working in small groups, and other classes are reading excerpts from books. Why would an author write a historical fiction piece? To persuade? To entertain? To teach? We call the reason an author writes something, "Author's Purpose."

Did you know that on this day in 1984 Steve Jobs introduced the very first computer with a mouse? The Apple Macintosh was the first computer to use the small device resembling a mouse with a long tail to navigate on the screen! Steve Jobs was an innovator that persevered through many trials before he was successful. He did not give up. Ever. I wonder how bushy his brain was!!


Be good. Be nice. Behave. 

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Multidigit Multiplication

January 21, 2015

Happy Wednesday!
We are all going to be revisiting multi-digit multiplication in fourth grade. This math skill is so important in math from fourth grade on! One thing that makes multi-digit multiplication easier is knowing your basic math facts! Each month we will review and take a quick test. What can you do to be successful?!

At the beginning of the school year we talked a lot about 'Bushy Brains' and growth mindset. Do you remember what this means? When I think of growth mindset, I remember taking all of our excuses and throwing them away! Instead of coming up with an excuse, we need to think of how to face challenges. We always want to be growing... not just taller but also smarter!

For your viewing pleasure, here is a little Animaniac Multiplication!

Animaniacs Multiply
Be good. Be nice. Behave!

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Book Talk Tuesday

January 20, 2015

Welcome back!
Long weekends are refreshing! Especially after the "warm up" we had this weekend. I hope you were able to get out and enjoy the fresh air. I also hope you were able to read a little. Are you filling out clock hour sheets for "READ TO FEED?" Every 25 hours you read, Mrs. Brimacomb has a little something for you. Be sure to turn your clock hours in to your teachers!

Speaking of reading, I am reading THE TIME KEEPER by Mitch Albom. He is one of my favorite authors and writes both fiction and non-fiction. This book is fiction and braids three stories together. One story is about a man called, The Time Keeper. He is the person who invented the idea of measuring time into seconds, minutes, hours, days, etc. When we really think about this, time can be a blessing and a curse. Because of this, The Time Keeper is banished to live in a cave for all eternity! While living in the cave he can hear ALL people talking about time... whether they are happy or sad about it!

The Time Keeper really focuses on two people specifically: a young girl who has all the time in the world and is quite impatient and an elderly man with a terminal illness facing the end of his time. The stories are intertwined and really make me think about time as a gift. Sometimes we cherish this gift, and sometimes we waste it.

My favorite Mitch Albom book is HAVE A LITTLE FAITH. I have given this book to several dear friends when I think they could use a little 'pick-me-up!' 

Be good. Be nice. Behave. 

Love, Mrs. Applequist

Friday, January 16, 2015

Martin Luther King Jr.

January 16, 2015

You will notice on the calendar that we have no school on Monday.  There is a very special reason why we don't have school...we are remembering and honoring Martin Luther King, Jr.

Martin Luther King was an important person that fought racism.  He gave speeches and talked about equality.  His most famous speech is the I HAVE A DREAM speech.  It was very influential and helped change the way people thought and treated one another.

Here is a Brain Pop video about Martin Luther King, Jr.

Be good. Be nice. Behave.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015


January 15, 2015

We have a special treat for you all this morning.  Alyse from Mr. Croonquist's class suggested a Just Dance exercise. Its called Ghostbusters. Alyse said it's a great way to get your body moving during the day, and her class really enjoys it.

So everyone stand up! Push your chairs and desks aside and have fun with Just Dance....Ghostbusters!


Be good. Be nice. Behave.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Science Museum

January 14, 2015

Today all of Fourth grade is going on a field trip to the Science Museum. You will have the opportunity to explore around the museum, apply your engineering skills in the Learning Labs, and have fun!

You will need a bag lunch.  If you did not bring one, you can get a bag lunch from the lunch room.

Things to remember...
1. Think about what you should look like and sound like on the bus. 
2. Stay with your assigned group and chaperon at all times at the Museum.
3. Be respectful! You are representing Lincoln Center Elementary.
4. If you have any questions or concerns, ask the adult that is with your group
5. If you need to use the restroom while you are at the Museum, let your adult chaperon know.
6. Lastly....Enjoy!

Be good. Be nice. Behave.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Book Talk Tuesday

January 13, 2015
Last week was our first Book Talk Tuesday.  Mrs. Larson shared her book, ORPHAN TRAIN by Christina Baker Kline. Thank you Mrs. Larson!

Today we have a new Book Talk featuring Mr. Croonquist. He is reading THE GREAT GATSBY by F. Scott Fitzgerald. 

Gatsby 1925 jacket.gif
Currently, I am reading The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald.  I am reading this book because my son, Brody, has to read this for his 10th grade advanced English class, and I have always heard interesting things about this book.  I am also reading this because the author was born and raised in Saint Paul and is one of the most famous of all Minnesota writers.
The story is set in New York in 1922 and follows the life of Nick Carraway, the narrator, and Jay Gatsby, his extremely rich and lonely neighbor.  Mr. Gatsby throws huge and lavish parties in his mansion, yet doesn’t ever seem to work and no one knows from where he gets his money.  He also has many other secrets, which unfold as the book progresses.  Maybe I will let you know more as I continue reading.
I like this book because it is historical fiction, which is a favorite genre of mine, and has very absorbing dialogue.  Maybe you too will read it once you get to high school!
Mr. Croonquist

Be good. Be nice. Behave. 

WIN Switch this Week!

January 12, 2015

Good Morning,

This week we will have WIN switch. Your teacher will let you know your WIN teacher this week, and this week only.  This will be a short WIN switch week.  You all will take a pre-assessment quiz this Friday and start new groups next week.

Since this is review month, in your WIN groups you will be reviewing decimals.  Also, please review our Essential Agreements for WIN switch.  How do you walk in the hallway? Be prepared...what do you need to bring to your WIN class? Please reflect and review what WIN switch looks like and sounds like.

Have a great day!

Be good. Be nice. Behave.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Let's Move!

January 9, 2015

Hey there!
Great job yesterday with coming in quietly and being dismissed responsibly. Your teachers with parking lot duty sure appreciate your integrity. Keep it up!

With the winter weather keeping us inside most of the week, I thought it'd be good to get us moving! Did you know your leg muscles are the biggest muscles in your body? Simply moving your legs gets enough blood flowing through your body to really energize you. Instead of a gentle leg move, let's get Fit with Fred!! Thank you to Mr. Croonquist, for the idea!

Be good. Be nice. Behave. 

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Parking Lot

January 8, 2015

Hello Principled 4th Graders,
Have you noticed some of your teachers coming in a few minutes late or rushing to leave a few minutes early this week? This month the fourth grade teachers have PARKING LOT DUTY. This means we stand in the entrances/exits of the parking lot while children walk past. We want to make sure you're safe around moving cars and buses. We do this before and after school.

We need your help. If your teacher has morning duty, be responsible and do your job quietly while you wait for them to come in. At the end of the day, make sure you are ready to go as soon as your teacher is ready. Always walk out of the building with a teacher, be in the right lines, and go home the right way. Be principled and have integrity... even when no one is watching!


Be good. Be nice. Behave.