Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Book Talk Tuesday

January 6, 2015

Good morning readers,
Yesterday Kid President talked to us about his new book coming out about how to be more awesome. The fourth grade teachers have made a New Years Resolution and a connection to KP. We are going to be more awesome by reading more and watching less. We are going to have Book Talk Tuesdays on the blog to share with you what we are reading.

Our first feature is the fabulous Mrs. Larson. She is reading ORPHAN TRAIN by Christina Baker Kline.

Hi! This is Mrs. Larson! I'm writing to tell you about an awesome book I read over break. The name of the book is ORPHAN TRAIN. The book is about orphans in the 1920s in New York City. These children were shipped off to the midwest and given away to families. Some children were treated well, but many children were treated poorly by their adopted families. The setting of the book is in NYC, Maine, and Minnesota so I had so many connections to the setting of this book. 

One point of view is from an elderly woman reflecting on her life as it began on the orphan train, and the other perspective is from a teenager who is in foster care and has had many different "homes." At first these two characters seem to be opposite, but as the story unfolds it becomes clear that they have so much in common.

My text-to-text connection ~ This book reminds me of a book called HELP. Both books are told from different perspectives

My text-to-self connection ~ I was born on the east coast and now I live in Minnesota so I could visualize all of the places!

My text-to-world connection ~ Children all over the world have different issues to overcome in their childhood. You must persevere and be a survivor. This book reminds me to be optimistic and happy about the future of this country.

Talk to your neighbor about a book that you want to read. I think we should read Kid President's book next. Maybe we could do a book club in February!!

Mrs. Larson

Be good. Be nice. Behave.  

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