Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Book Talk Tuesday

January 20, 2015

Welcome back!
Long weekends are refreshing! Especially after the "warm up" we had this weekend. I hope you were able to get out and enjoy the fresh air. I also hope you were able to read a little. Are you filling out clock hour sheets for "READ TO FEED?" Every 25 hours you read, Mrs. Brimacomb has a little something for you. Be sure to turn your clock hours in to your teachers!

Speaking of reading, I am reading THE TIME KEEPER by Mitch Albom. He is one of my favorite authors and writes both fiction and non-fiction. This book is fiction and braids three stories together. One story is about a man called, The Time Keeper. He is the person who invented the idea of measuring time into seconds, minutes, hours, days, etc. When we really think about this, time can be a blessing and a curse. Because of this, The Time Keeper is banished to live in a cave for all eternity! While living in the cave he can hear ALL people talking about time... whether they are happy or sad about it!

The Time Keeper really focuses on two people specifically: a young girl who has all the time in the world and is quite impatient and an elderly man with a terminal illness facing the end of his time. The stories are intertwined and really make me think about time as a gift. Sometimes we cherish this gift, and sometimes we waste it.

My favorite Mitch Albom book is HAVE A LITTLE FAITH. I have given this book to several dear friends when I think they could use a little 'pick-me-up!' 

Be good. Be nice. Behave. 

Love, Mrs. Applequist

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