Wednesday, May 20, 2015


May 20, 2015

Good morning citizens,
Yesterday we celebrated being the grade that raised the most food in the LC/SSP food drive! Way to go!! We had so many risk takers that were zany enough to celebrate with you. We hope you had a great time watching several teachers, including our very own, Mrs. Brown get 'pied!'

As we wind down the year, think about all the people that make a successful school year. So many people help us throughout the day that we don't even think of as being community helpers. Each day Cathy and Vanessa take phone calls, collect mail and lunches, call students, and really run the show! Day after day, the lunch ladies prepare healthy food for us and make sure we have a variety of choices. People like Larry, Ed, and many others clean up after us and make sure our building is not only tidy, but safe. Today find at least one of the people we often forget to thank, and somehow make them know they're appreciated.

Your teachers appreciate you!

Be principled. Be caring, Have integrity.
be good. be nice. behave.

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