Monday, May 11, 2015


May 11, 2015

Good Morning Fourth Graders,

In class you have been learning about maps.  Think about maps and what you need to include when creating a map.  Discuss with your class what your map needs in order to read it and know what it is about. What are some types of maps? Look at the map below. What type of map is it?

Notice that this maps has a key.  Why is it important to include a key with your map?  What else could you include on this map?

Speaking of you know where Stillwater is for our field trip coming up? What is the name of the river? Look it up, and see what you can find.

Watch the Brain Pop video on Map Skills.
Brain Pop

Have a great day!
Be principled. Be caring. Have integrity.
(be good. be nice. behave.)

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