Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Book Talk Tuesday

December 22, 2015

Hello! Book Talk Tuesday comes to us from Mrs. Moen!

Holiday greetings from Mrs. Moen!  One of my favorite traditions is collecting and reading holiday books!  I have been collecting Christmas stories ever since I was a little girl and now I am passing that tradition on to my daughter, Ada.  Every year she gets a new book to add to her growing collection.  One of her favorites is “How the Grinch Stole Christmas” by Dr. Seuss.  She used to be afraid of the Grinch because he was so mean and grouchy, but then she learned how he had a change of heart at the end of the story.  One of my favorite parts is when the Grinch realizes “maybe Christmas doesn’t come from a store…maybe Christmas is just a little bit more.” What does he mean? This quote helps to share the main idea and authors purpose for this story and it means so much to me this time of year.  I hope you enjoy this story as much as I do!

If you enjoyed this story, the holiday classic will be on NBC tomorrow night at 7:00! Enjoy!

Be good. Be nice. Behave.

Monday, December 21, 2015

Safety First

December 21, 2015

Howdy 3rd Graders!
It is so great that we get to play outside (almost) every day! We are very lucky to have a field, a track, a playground, and a court at our school. Recess is a fantastic time to move our bodies and get exercise. Also! When it's really cold out, moving keeps you warmer.

Image result for kids playing outside in winter

Remember when you're outside to play safely. Keep the football and more physical games on the field. It is also important to be a 'good sport' when you're playing with others. Whether the game goes your way or not, you have to be respectful. No one likes to play with kids that get too rough, angry, or whiney! Play for fun... keep it fun!!!

Image result for sportsmanship clipart

Be good. Be nice, Behave.

Friday, December 18, 2015

The Legend of the Poinsettia

December 18, 2015

Hello Global Citizens,
Many of us have been noticing similarities and differences among holidays and cultures. This is an easy time of year to notice a lot! I want to share a legend with you retold by one of my very favorite authors, Tomie dePaola. In his retelling, he explains the importance of the poinsettia plant to the Mexican culture. How many of you have seen this beautiful plant in shops or at home? They are very popular during the winter holiday season.

Image result for poinsettia

The Legend of the Poinsettia

Be good. Be nice. Behave.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

World Holiday Harmony

December 17, 2015

Hello Caring Third Graders,
Tis the season to be thinking of others. This time of year is really special for a lot of reasons. For many it is an exciting time thinking of friends and family. For some it is special because they have such kind and generous hearts. For others still, it can be a quiet time. It is really important for us to keep in mind the similarities and differences we all have. We all celebrate and honor things in our own ways. Be mindful of those that celebrate differently. We don't always understand, but we should always be respectful.

Image result for holiday diversity

With your classmates, consider some similarities and differences between different winter holidays. Share your knowledge!

Tomorrow is the last day for the JEDI food drive! Bring what you can; if you can! The barrels and bags are near the elevator near the office! 

Be good. Be nice. Behave. 

Wednesday, December 16, 2015


December 16, 2015

Hello compassionate 3rd graders!
This week many of us watched the "Clouds" video from the Mall of America. Sometimes when we hear music that touches our hearts, we get emotional. Your teachers were very proud of how you were respectful of one another while watching the song. We also loved hearing so many of you singing!

Image result for compassion

Today we have our mid-week-work check! What have you been doing to show your commitment to your learning? Each week we want to see more and more children having that extra recess!

Be good. Be nice. Behave.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015


December 15, 2015

Good morning empathetic 3rd graders,

We have been together for three months now working hard with reading, math, and our units of inquiry. It is important to remember all of the things that make us good people too. When we have some of the PYP ATTITUDES we can live the PROFILE.

Today we have a beautiful display of compassion and empathy to share with you. 2 years ago a Minnesotan family lost their son to cancer. People joined together at the Mall of America to sing a song Zach Sobiach wrote before he died. Last night to mark the anniversary, people came together once again at the MOA to sing.

Here are some of our LC friends joining the Clouds Choir this past weekendt!

This is a clip of the Clouds Choir singing Zach's song last year. 

Be good. Be nice. Behave. 

Thursday, December 10, 2015

The Weather Outside...

December 10, 2015

Hello Meteorologists!
Mother Nature sure has been sending us mixed messages this year! Can you believe it is the middle of December, and it is warmish and wet? Usually even if we don't have snow, December is a very cold month!

Some of you pay attention to the weather forecast in the news. Sometimes when we hear a daytime high temperature, we get excited and think that's what the temp will be all day. Actually, the daytime high is usually closer to the time you go home from school. So no matter what the daytime high is, you need to dress for the weather in the morning! We have recess pretty early... that means it usually feels pretty similar at recess to how it feels when you come to school.

Moral of the story ~ dress warm when you're coming to school

Image result for bundle up   Image result for bundle up

Be good. Be nice. Behave.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015


December 9, 2015

Hello generous students!
Mr. Babbitt and Ms. Callies are teachers at Lincoln Center. You may know them, and if not, you would certainly recognize them! They are also the teachers that organize the after school club called, JEDI (formerly known as PEACE JAM).

JEDI is sponsoring a food drive next week to support NEIGHBORS, Inc. right here in South St. Paul. Please take a minute with your class today to look at JEDI's cause.

Image result for food drive  Image result for neighbors inc

JEDI food drive

Image result for jedi

Be good. Be nice. Behave.