Monday, December 21, 2015

Safety First

December 21, 2015

Howdy 3rd Graders!
It is so great that we get to play outside (almost) every day! We are very lucky to have a field, a track, a playground, and a court at our school. Recess is a fantastic time to move our bodies and get exercise. Also! When it's really cold out, moving keeps you warmer.

Image result for kids playing outside in winter

Remember when you're outside to play safely. Keep the football and more physical games on the field. It is also important to be a 'good sport' when you're playing with others. Whether the game goes your way or not, you have to be respectful. No one likes to play with kids that get too rough, angry, or whiney! Play for fun... keep it fun!!!

Image result for sportsmanship clipart

Be good. Be nice, Behave.

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