Thursday, December 17, 2015

World Holiday Harmony

December 17, 2015

Hello Caring Third Graders,
Tis the season to be thinking of others. This time of year is really special for a lot of reasons. For many it is an exciting time thinking of friends and family. For some it is special because they have such kind and generous hearts. For others still, it can be a quiet time. It is really important for us to keep in mind the similarities and differences we all have. We all celebrate and honor things in our own ways. Be mindful of those that celebrate differently. We don't always understand, but we should always be respectful.

Image result for holiday diversity

With your classmates, consider some similarities and differences between different winter holidays. Share your knowledge!

Tomorrow is the last day for the JEDI food drive! Bring what you can; if you can! The barrels and bags are near the elevator near the office! 

Be good. Be nice. Behave. 

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