Monday, May 9, 2016

Multiplication Monday

May 9, 2016

Hello Thinkers!
How do you practice multiplication facts? There are so many ways to practice, and practice makes perfect! I am eager to learn a few more tricks and tools... and you're just the people to teach me! If you have a fun way to practice, let me know so I can share it on the blog!

Next year you will be doing a lot of multi-digit multiplication and long division! Both are very cool math concepts that are a lot easier when you know your basic facts. No joke! When your teachers and parents tell you to practice, take them seriously! That's why I want to know all the ways you practice... so I can share them with everyone!

Here is a quick video using a multiplication chart to help memorize facts. Check it out!

Multiplication Memorization

Image result for multiplication chart

Work hard today!

Be good. Be nice. Behave. 

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