Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Line Basics, Lunch, Dismissal, and Targeted Services

February 4, 2015

Good morning principled pupils,
We spent a great deal of time in January reviewing and renewing our Essential Agreements, Hopes and Dreams, and other important aspects of school life. As a fourth grade community we are really, really struggling with a few things. These struggles are affecting teachers and students all over our school.

Line Basics ensure that we are walking safely in the hallway, and that students and teachers working can continue to work without being interrupted. We MUST walk to specialist, lunch, and dismissal in line basics.

Speaking of lunch. Recess begins at 12:10. It has begun at 12:10 since the first day of school. In fact, for fourth grade this year it has always and will always begin at 12:10. You may NOT go outside before then. Even if you have a guest teacher that thinks you can. When we are walking down the center stairwell, we are being so disruptive to Senor Stanke's and Ms. Roszak's classes. This is NOT okay.

Next, our lines at dismissal are also a MESS. When your teacher dismisses you from your classroom, walk to your dismissal line, wait in line basics, and walk to your destination. This is NOT time for drinks, bathroom breaks, or hanging out. Do your job. Get to where you need to go.

Finally, Targeted Services (Math or Reading Academy). Many of you go to this after school program. It is expected that you bring your pencil. Many of you go to your after school class and return to your classroom for a pencil. This habit is disrespectful and irresponsible. The same behavior is happening day after day. This is also NOT okay. From this point forward, if you have to return to your classroom for a pencil or anything else, you will miss recess the next day. Get with the program, kids.


What does, "Be good. Be nice. Behave,"mean to you? Are you doing this?

1 comment:

  1. Parents should spend more time with their children and take care of their school work like writing and drawing part.It would be help to children to get more interest to study.
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