Friday, April 24, 2015

Field Trip

Happy Friday!

April 24, 2015

The fourth grade teachers are so proud of our hard working fourth graders.  You are showing so much grit with your MCA testing!  Keep it up.  You will take on math MCA testing.  We know you will do great.

Fourth Grade Road trip…

On Thursday, May 21st our grade level will be going on a boat ride.  We will be heading to Stillwater taking a scenic boat ride and looking at the new bridge.  We will be discussing how we have changed the environment to meet our needs.  (Does this sound familiar?  - it should)  You will receive a permission slip today.  Make sure you return it on Monday.  There is no charge for this field trip.  We don’t need chaperones, and we will be back for lunch and the afternoon talent shows.  It will be a fun and busy day. 

This is a picture of the boat we will be taking. 
 Image result for st croix paddle empress

Be good.  Be nice.  Behave and have some grit.  It’s important!

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