Monday, April 6, 2015

Lincoln Center

April 6, 2015

Welcome back 4th graders!
I hope your spring break was peaceful, relaxing, and fun. Last week was a time to gear up for the very end of the school year. Believe it or not, we have just over seven weeks left of school! Many of of us will start the MCAs in the next couple weeks. There is a lot to do, so buckle up, and prepare to be moving forward!

Last week my family and I traveled to our nation's capital, Washington, DC. We visited museums, monuments, and the zoo. I was really struck by the beauty and simplicity of Abraham Lincoln's monument. He was a true leader of the people and was determined to fight for the rights of all people. Have you ever wondered why our school is named after him?


Evie, Lucy, and me visiting Lincoln.                                                              The Gettysburg Address

Enjoy your day!
Be principled. Be caring. Have integrity.
(Be good. Be nice. Behave.)

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