Thursday, April 16, 2015

The Fourth Grade Teachers say, "Happy Friday!"

April 17, 2015

The Fourth Grade Teachers say, "Happy Friday!" What are Quotation Marks?
 Image result for quotations marks
Quotation Marks can be used for a couple of reasons.
1. You use quotations marks around the exact words that someone is saying.
     For example: Teacher says, "Take out your Math Journals."

2. Sometimes quotation marks are around song titles, poems, and stories.
     For example: "Toy Story" "Beauty and the Beast"

Look at the sentences and decide as a class where to put quotation marks,
1.  What time is it, asked Sarah.
2.  Ben asked, What is the weather like today?
3.  Katie likes the song Twist and Shout.

Okay, it's Get Fit Friday! Get your bodies moving and get pumped up for the day.
Image result for exercise
Just Dance- Pump It

Be principled. Be caring. Have Integrity.

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