Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Book Talk Tuesday

November 3, 2015

Howdy Readers,
Yesterday Mrs. Spreigl talked to us about the Maud Hart Lovelace reading program. The MHL award is given to one book voted on by students all over the state of Minnesota! Mrs. Spreigl will also keep track of who our Lincoln Center winner is... and we can compare our votes to the rest of the voters/kids in Minnesota! Remember... voting is not until March. We have five months to read as many of these books as possible.

If you did not get your bookmark with all the titles yet, be sure to ask your teacher or Mrs. Brimacomb in the library.

One last thing to reflect on, how are you keeping track of how much you read each week?

 Image result for maud hart lovelace 2015

Be good. Be nice. Behave!

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