Wednesday, November 25, 2015

We are Grateful

November 25, 2015

Hello 3rd Graders,
Thanksgiving is a time to show appreciation; we each have many things to be thankful for. Your teachers would like to take this opportunity to share what we are grateful for. 

Mrs. Costain shares...
I am thankful for students who truly come to school and want to learn and try their best.
I am thankful for a healthy and beautiful family who make me want to be a better person.

Ms. Thompson shares...
School-eager learners who are kind to one another and colleagues who are fun to work with 

Mrs. Krone shares...
Home: three happy and healthy daughters (that need to stop growing up so fast)

Mrs. Moen shares...
I am thankful for having a class full of respectful, hard-working students that I get to spend every day with.  I am thankful for my growing family… Mrs. Moen is expecting a new baby in April! 

Mrs. Applequist shares....
I have so much gratitude for the students and families I get to work with at Lincoln Center! We all do better, when we ALL do better!
I am also so grateful for my family. My husband is my bff, and our daughters are the loves of our lives!! I am also thankful for red Starbucks cups... they just make me happy!

Mrs. Gerken shares...
I am thankful for a great group of children that I get to spend TWO years with! I'm also grateful for my family and friends! 

3rd Graders, what are you grateful for? Have a safe and peaceful long weekend. Find ways to show your appreciation!

Be good. Be nice. Behave. 

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