Friday, November 6, 2015

It's All About the Bus, About the Bus

November 6, 2015

Hello Walkers, Bikers, and Riders,
The weather is certainly feeling more like autumn today than it has all week! It's crazy to think it was sunny and 70 degrees just a few days ago! The changing weather this week makes me think of two school connections: compare/contrast and adaptations. The weather fits perfectly into both of these concepts!

Each day as we wrap up our school work and wind down from our busy days, we all move around in the hallway getting our things and getting ready to go home. Our hallway has seemed unusually loud and hectic lately. People are taking their time at lockers, carrying on conversations, running to find friends, and simply not paying attention to our environment. We have to get back on track.

This is a great time for classes to review who goes to which lines and what the expectations are. What should our lines look sound/sound like/feel like? When you walk out of school, what are the expectations? If you ride the bus, please know, the Lincoln Center expectations follow you all the way until you are home!! True story.

Take time to talk with your classes about expectations at dismissal.

Image result for bus behavior  Image result for bus behavior

Be good. Be nice. Behave.

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