Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Book Talk Tuesday

March 3, 2015

Hello readers!
This week we are featuring the works of one of Mrs. McAlpine's favorite authors, Nicholas Sparks.

From Mrs. McAlpine:
One of my all-time favorite authors is Nicholas Sparks.  I love to be able to sit down and read a book where I can lose track of everything else in life and feel like I am a part of the story! Another reason I love to read his books are that my mom and sister are both as addicted to them as I am!  Even though we don't get to see each other often, it is fun to be reading the same book and share our thoughts and feelings!

One of the books that he has written is called "The Last Song".  It is about a young girl whose parents divorce leaving her world turned upside down.  She hasn't seen her dad in three years, and is still very bitter over her parents divorce, when her mom decides it would be a good idea to spend the summer with her father.  She is not happy about this decision, but as the summer continues, she finds out the reason for her visit.  Her father, who was a concert musician, is dying.  This would be her last summer to make amends.  Her father starts to write a song , his last song, and is so weak he is unable to finish it.  This is where "Ronnie", his daughter, realizes it is time to let things in the past go, and forgive.  Just before her father passes away, Ronnie, finishes the song, just in time to play it for her dad.

This is definitely a book that can make you stop and think about the important things in life!  

Image result for the last song book     Image result for the last song book

Are there books that you enjoy reading because others share that enjoyment? Talking to friends or family members about books is a great way to stay connected with others. Book clubs, partner reading, or even just sharing a good book can be a lot of fun!

Be good. Be nice. Behave. 

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