Monday, March 2, 2015

Small Steps

March 2, 2015

Good morning reflective students,
Many of the fourth grade classes are reading Peg Kheret's memoir, SMALL STEPS: THE YEAR I GOT POLIO about her diagnosis of and treatment for polio. She was committed to getting well. There is a connection between Peg's commitment and one of the lines of inquiry in our health unit: Personal Responsibility For Our Own Health. Her personal responsibility was working hard in all of her therapies, eating and drinking right, and staying focused on getting well. With hard work, she succeeded!

Image result for small steps the year i got polio

What is your responsibility for your own health? Are you committed to making good eating/drinking choices? Do you move enough? We need to celebrate what we do well and reflect on things we need to improve. 

Be good. Be nice. Behave. 

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