Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Middle of the Week

February 24, 2016

Well hello there 3rd graders,
We work and play so hard that sometimes it really feels like times is flying by! Have you ever thought about why it feels like time goes slowly or quickly? They say, time flies when you're having fun... do you agree with that?

Each week we've been doing a work check to make sure everyone is committed to getting their work done. And hopefully, done well. Sometimes though, this has been stressful for children and even frustrating. I'm wondering, as a third grader, what do you think is more important, getting your work done well or getting it done quickly?

Your teachers really want you to have the true feeling of being proud of yourself. Believe it or not, pride is a much better feeling than ten minutes of free time!

 Image result for hard work quotes for kids
Be good. Be nice. Behave. 

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