Thursday, March 31, 2016


March 31, 2016

Hello reflective students,
Today is the last day of the month! Usually we try to wrap up our commitment cards on this day, but we are doing it a little differently this time. We will have our celebrations tomorrow afternoon. The choices will be listed in your classrooms, and you will decide what to do. Our hallway ceremony will be on Monday. Remember! The commitment cards are all about the PYP Action Cycle... reflect, act, choose!!

Image result for commitment quotes for kids

Be good. Be nice. Behave!

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

The Results Are In!

March 30, 2016

Thank you so much for sharing graphs and sentences! I was so excited to hear back from so many of you!! 

The results are in... and SUMMER is the overall favorite of 3rd Graders at Lincoln Center! 

Third Grade Results
Spring...9 people
Summer... 60 people
Autumn... 14 people
Winter... 9 people

Now think! 
**How many more people like SUMMER than spring, autumn, and winter combined?
**What two seasons have the same number of likes?
**What is like more ~ winter and spring together OR autumn?

Look at the different ways to show this data! Thank you so much for sharing this with me!


 Bar Graph

 Line Plot

 Circle Graph/Pie Chart

Collecting Data

Super Season Sentences from Mrs. Moen's class!!!
Spring is my favorite season because it's not too hot or cold.
My favorite season is summer because you can do lots of activities.
I like summer because there are lots of activities to do and because it is my birthday.
Summer because it is nice outside.
My favorite season is summer because I can go to the beach.
My favorite season is summer.
My favorite season is summer because there is no school or homework.
I like summer because I can wear t-shirts and shorts, and it is not cold.
My favorite season is summer.
I like summer because it is warm. 
My favorite season is summer because it's warm and the pool is open.
My favorite season is summer because I can going swimming, and I like hot weather.
My favorite season is summer because I can go swimming, and it's my birthday.
Summer is my favorite season because it is warm.
My favorite season is summer because we get to be off of school and play outside!
Autumn because of my birthday.
My favorite season is autumn because it's not too hot or cold, and it has some of my favorite holidays.
My favorite season is autumn because it's not too cold, but it's not too hot... it's in the middle!
Fall because that's when my birthday is.
I like winter because you can build a snowman.
I like winter because I get to ice skate.

Great job working together, 3rd graders! 
Be good. Be nice. Behave. 

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Book Talk Tuesday

... comes to you from...

Landon J. and Mrs. Applequist!

Landon and I both read WONDER by R.J. Palacio. She wrote this book to entertain readers. The main character is Augie, who looks very different than everyone else. He has a syndrome that he was born with that gave him a deformed face. Other important characters are Julian, Jack, and Summer. The main problem is that other people think Augie is weird, but he really is just a normal kid. Landon liked this book because it was interesting. I loved this book because it shared different perspectives about being a kid. Landon's connection to WONDER is that he is very smart, just like Augie. He thinks if you know how to read, you would like this book!

Image result for wonder

Over spring break, I read the companion book to WONDER  called AUGIE & ME: THREE WONDER STORIES. This book is not a prequel or sequel... it is three stories about interactions with Augie from three different perspectives: Julian, the bully; Christopher, the childhood friend; and Summer, the 5th grade friend. The stories all take place at the same time WONDER takes place. 

Image result for rj palacio books

Reading the many perspectives in WONDER and AUGIE & ME give me HOPE. I truly believe that most of us are kind and have empathy. One of Augie's teachers always said, "There is always time to be kind." I agree!

Be good. Be nice. Behave!

PS Season data/graphs and sentences are coming tomorrow!!! 

Monday, March 28, 2016

Welcome Back!

Hello thinkers!
Welcome back to school! I hope your spring break was peaceful and relaxing. Spring is a time to renew and refresh! Think of yourself like all the plants and leaves that are going to be blooming soon! We are ready to GROW!!

We haven't done an interactive blog in awhile... so let's give it a whirl! As a class, collect data and get it back to me! I will put it together in a bar graph... but challenge yourselves! Can you organize it in a different graph? Send me you thinking and I'll share it on the blog!

Image result for seasons

What is your favorite season?

Bonus! Write a complete sentence and tell me why!

Be good. Be nice. Behave!

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Happy St. Patrick's Day

March 17, 2016

Top O' the Morning to You!
Today is St. Patrick's Day! Many people around the world celebrate today... do you know why? St. Patrick is believed to have chased all of the snakes out of Ireland! He also supposedly handed out shamrocks to everyone he met.

Ireland is a small island in Europe near England. Irish people are known to be welcoming and very happy! Today even people that aren't Irish like to pretend they are! It's a day to be welcoming and happy!

Today think about ways to be kinder to people around you! Be happy and spread that happiness!

Image result for st patrick's day

Enjoy this clip of traditional Irish dancing. River Dance is a very famous dance production from Ireland! What do you notice about the dancer's arms and backs? Watch their feet carefully! 

Slainte! pronunciation
Be good. Be nice. Behave!

Wednesday, March 16, 2016


March 16, 2016

Hello Singers and Dancers!
Wow! Your music concert last night was fantastic! It is so fun to see you in a different environment than our classrooms! One of the great things about our specialist classes (art, music, Spanish, and gym) is that each one of you shines in at least one of them! You each have strengths and are lucky enough to be able to share those strengths at school. We are proud of you!

Side note! Have you noticed that the third grade teachers have switched dismissal lines? Please pay attention to where you need to be at the end of the day!

Mrs. Moen and Mrs. Krone now take the bussers!
Mrs. Thompson now takes the Kids Choice line.
Mrs. Costain now takes kids to Door 1.
Mrs. Gerken and Mrs. Applequist not take the Door 2 line.

Remember, at the end of the day... you're still doing your best! We all do better, when WE ALL DO BETTER!
Image result for proud of students

Way to go, 3rd Graders!!

Be good. Be nice. Behave.