Friday, March 4, 2016


March 4, 2016

Hello Creative Thinkers,
This week we wrapped up I Love to Read Month, and some of us celebrated Dr. Seuss's birthday. Reading is such an important lifelong skill... and believe it or not, you will read for purpose and read for pleasure for the rest of your life!

Think of all the things you read each week without even realizing you're reading:
menus, signs when you're shopping, billboards, names of restaurants and shops, text messages, and lots more! Then add the things you know you're reading... books, magazines, stuff on the internet and tv... and lots more!!!

Teaching children to read was so important to Dr. Seuss. In fact, that's why he started writing books to begin with! His very first book included every letter sound and several sound combinations! Enjoy the link for more information about Dr. Seuss!

Image result for dr. seuss

Dr. Seuss Timeline

Be good. Be nice. Behave.

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