Monday, March 14, 2016

Celebration of Learning

March 14, 2016

It was really great seeing most of you at conferences and our Celebration of Learning. We really do have a lot to celebrate in third grade! It's hard to believe we are in the third trimester. Ooooh! Make a connection between trimesters in school and fractions! What fraction of the school year are we finished with? What fraction do we have left?

Today is a great day for another pep talk from Kid President! Some of you may have seen this one, but his message is pertinent. Listen carefully... and think about our PYP Action Cycle!

KP Pep Talk for Teachers and Students

Image result for pep talk

Be good. Be nice. Behave.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the information provided! I’m sure that Celebration of learning was a great event! Definitely, such events are very important for students because they help to build a strong team. It’s very important to be a good student and study well because it can help a lot in the future career. Today there is a tough competition on the job market so you have to be a professional with strong skills to get a good job. By the way, graduates may take an advantage of veteran resume writing services and order professional resume writings to get hired.
