Thursday, March 17, 2016

Happy St. Patrick's Day

March 17, 2016

Top O' the Morning to You!
Today is St. Patrick's Day! Many people around the world celebrate today... do you know why? St. Patrick is believed to have chased all of the snakes out of Ireland! He also supposedly handed out shamrocks to everyone he met.

Ireland is a small island in Europe near England. Irish people are known to be welcoming and very happy! Today even people that aren't Irish like to pretend they are! It's a day to be welcoming and happy!

Today think about ways to be kinder to people around you! Be happy and spread that happiness!

Image result for st patrick's day

Enjoy this clip of traditional Irish dancing. River Dance is a very famous dance production from Ireland! What do you notice about the dancer's arms and backs? Watch their feet carefully! 

Slainte! pronunciation
Be good. Be nice. Behave!

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