Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Book Talk Tuesday

March 1, 2016

Hello Readers!
How do you pick the books you read? Teachers have given you some ideas this year like looking at the cover, reading the synopsis on the back, or asking friends. Sometimes, I just go online and look at Reading Rainbow on You Tube. I mentioned before this was one of my favorite shows as a child. It was so cool to see other children that loved reading as much as I did! If you're ever looking for a good book, try googling Reading Rainbow.

Here's something... a few weeks ago I invited you to participate in Book Talk Tuesdays... Mrs. Moen's class did one, and a couple of my students are preparing one. The offer is still there! If you're interested let me or your teacher know!

Reading Rainbow

Image result for goldilocks and the three pandas

Be good. Be nice. Behave. 

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