Thursday, April 7, 2016


April 7, 2016

We've talked a lot about GRIT this year, especially in the last couple weeks. Grit is sticking to something and doing you're very best... even when you feel ready to be done. It is persevering and sticking to it! It is important to have GRIT at school. Sometimes things seem really hard, and giving up seems like the easiest thing to do. Believe it or not, teachers feel that way too sometimes. The thing is, when we don't give up... when we are thinkers and show commitment... we grow and get better! We are better thinkers and better students.

Testing season is the perfect time to think about having grit. Sometimes the testing sessions are long and maybe even difficult. Remind yourself to have GRIT!

Image result for grit

Be your best. Do your best. 

Be good. Be nice. Behave. 

1 comment:

  1. Mrs. Friedges and Mrs. Osegard love to see Grit in Phy. Ed. too! Preparing for running the mile is a great time to practice showing grit in P.E. class!!
