Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Tool Box Tuesday

April 19, 2016

Hello Thinkers!
What are some of your math tools that help you solve problems? Each day at school and in the real world, we are faced with math problems! Next time you go shopping, think about how you are keeping track of how much money you will spend or save. Are there discounts or sales? 2 for 1s? As we get ready for Math MCAs, it is a great time to rethink about our math key words and the CUBES method.

Take a look at the chart, some of you may even have a similar one in your classroom, and discuss the key words. Why is it important to recognize math words?

Image result for math key words anchor chart

Another strategy to be thinking about is our CUBES method for solving problems. It is sort of like combining our CLOSE reading with math!

Image result for cubes method for solving word problems

As always, one of the best learning strategies is simply having GRIT! 

Be good. Be nice. Behave. 

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