Thursday, April 21, 2016

Long Weekend

April 21, 2016

It is time for a refreshing long weekend for you! When you have a three day weekend, with beautiful weather no-less, the options are limitless! What are some favorite spring time activities... indoors and outdoors?

Here is the challenge... decide with your class if you will work with partners or all together. Come up with some way to collect and show your data. Get it to Mrs. Applequist by Friday (or today...), and I will compile it for Monday's blog.

The questions to think about:
Do you prefer to be inside or outside?
What do you like to do on a day off of school?
Which is your favorite activity? (give choices)
...or come up with your own...

There are so many ways to show data. What are the ways you've practiced so far this year? Even think back to our favorite season graphs! Take time, be thinkers, and show action!

Think spring!
Image result for spring images

Be good. Be nice. Behave!

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