Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Book Talk Tuesday

BTT comes to us from Mrs. Moen's class!!

Mrs. Moen’s Class read 8 Class Pets+1 Squirrel/ 1 Dog= Chaos.  We chose this book because it is one of the Maude Hart Lovelace nominees this year.  In this book, Cuddles, the dog, is chasing Twitch, the Squirrel.  They run into school and talk to different class pets.  The whole book is told from the perspective of the animals. We loved the different animals in the story.  We thought they were funny.  We also liked the surprise at the end.  If you want to find out what chaos happens, then you should read this book.  We give it 7 paws+1 wing+1 fin+1 scale up!!!

Image result for 8 class pets + 1 squirrel divided by 1 dog = chaos

Be good. Be nice. Behave.

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