Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Book Talk Tuesday

comes to us from kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Derryberry!!!

I have been reading your blog all year long so when Bella asked if I wanted to do a Book Talk Tuesday, I was excited to have a chance to share my love of reading with the third graders! I grew up in a house with a family that loved to read and that love of reading was definitely passed on to me! I love to read all kinds of books but I am sure it will not surprise you to know that picture books are one of my favorite things to read!

One of my favorite picture book authors and illustrators is Ezra Jack Keats. If he were still alive, Ezra would turn 100 this year on March 11th. Ezra was born into a white, Jewish family in Brooklyn and during his time the Army in 1943, he experienced discrimination based on his religious beliefs. It was this experience that lead him to write and illustrate books about children with dark colored skin as the main characters. Up until his books about Peter, children of color were only depicted in the background of books. I think that Ezra Jack Keats is a great example of the PYP Action Cycle. He reflected on the feelings he had when he when he was discriminated against, chose to highlight others who had suffered similar hardships in his writings and paintings, and he acted by publishing books with children of color as the main characters.  My favorites of his books are the ones that are about Peter like; The Snowy Day, A Letter to Amy, Whistle for Willie and Pet Show.

Image result for ezra keats  
 Image result for the snowy dayImage result for a letter for amy by ezra jack keats   

Image result for whistle for willie  Image result for pet show by ezra jack keats

Even though reading good fit books and challenging yourself as a reader in an important part of being a lifelong reader, don’t forget the enjoyment, powerful messages, and ideas that come from reading picture books! 

Be good. Be nice. Behave!

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